This program is a two-dimensional domain decomposition using MPI to communicate and reduce matrix & array computations in the equation y=Ax. Essentially, in using MPI, we can take the serial equation and break it into smaller chunks to have each processor or node do less work, therefore, speeding up our computation.
Serial Equation: A(M,N) * x(N) = y(M) (where M = Global Matrix Rows, N = Global Matrix Cols)
MPI 2DDC Equation: A(m,n) * x(n) = y(m) (where m = Logical MPI Grid Rows, n = Logical MPI Grid Cols)
In the MPI eq., (m,n) are local to mpi processes, representing their 2D sub-domain
Currently, the default sizes are:
M = 16384
N = 16384
P = 2
Q = 2
Meaning the number of processes to pass mpirun -np should be 4 for now
M and N have only been tested with square martices, so its best to ensure these parameters are the same.
If you change the sizes in the source code, make sure that P*Q = the number of processors passed to the -np flag.
E.g., mpirun -np 4 ./runmpi 1024 1024 2 2
or, mpirun -np 8 ./runmpi 1024 1024 4 4
The default way to run the code is:
mpirun -np 4 ./runmpi
If you have 4 processor cores available, you can just run
mpirun ./runmpi
Note: The two terminal commands above are just defaults for running mpi-2ddc-main.cpp To compile the visual 5x5 demo, run the following commands:
- g++ -Wall mpi-2ddc-5x5demo.cpp -o rundemo
- mpirun -np 4 ./rundemo
serial.cpp As a baseline for performance evaluation.
mpi-2ddc-main.cpp: main file for running with make comand and either using mpirun or submitting to a cluster scheduler.
mpi-2ddc-5x5demo.cpp: is here to provide a visual demonstration of the domain decomposition.
Ideal use case for this file:
Comment out line 105 and then uncomment the two lines of code marked DEMO1 (line 87-88). Now, recompile and run to view how A(5,5) gets mapped to A(m,n) where each MPI process has its own local value for both m,n.
Add the comments back to these lines and uncomment lines 95-96 to view the dimensions of Vector(x) and what nodes/mpi processes have the respectives values.
Lastly, uncomment the line 105 to view how the final solution is communicated and stored