A simple command line tool for encrypting/decrypting text using classical ciphers
Compilation of mpags-cipher
requires a C++11 compatible compiler
(GCC 4.8 or better, Clang 3.4 or better are recommended) and make
on a UNIX operating system.
Windows platforms with Visual Studio 2015 or better are also expected to
work, but not tested.
To build from a clone of this repository, open a terminal window and change directory into that holding this README. Then run:
$ ls
LICENSE README.md mpags-cipher.cpp
$ g++ -Wall -Wextra -Werror -Wfatal-errors -pedantic -Wshadow mpags-cipher.cpp -o mpags-cipher
$ ./mpags-cipher
If no input file is supplied, mpags-cipher
will wait for user input
from the keyboard until RETURN followed by CTRL-D are pressed.
To ensure the input text can be used with the character sets known to
classical ciphers, it is transliterated using the following rules:
- Alphabetical characters are converted to uppercase
- Digits are translated to their English equivalent words (e.g. '0' -> "ZERO")
- All other characters (punctuation) are discarded
The results of this transliteration are output after CTRL-D.
Under this directory, the code and associated files are organised as follows:
$ tree
└── MPAGS-Code
├── LICENSE License file, in our case MIT
├── mpags-cipher.cpp Main program C++ source file
└── README.md This file, describes the project
1 directory, 3 files
is licensed under the terms of the MIT License. Please see
the file LICENSE
for full details.