GeoJSON is a GoLang library that implements the GeoJSON format specification
This library implements the following GeoJSON Objects:
point := geometry.NewPoint(lat,lng)
point := geometry.Point{
Lat: 50.0,
Lng: 30.0,
multipoint := geometry.NewPoint(lat,lng)
multipoint := geometry.Point{
Lat: 50.0,
Lng: 30.0,
lineString := geometry.LineString{
Coordinates: []geometry.Point{
Lat: 30.0,
Lng: 23.0,
Lat: 32.0,
Lng: 24.0,
multiLineString := geometry.MultiLineString{
Coordinates: []geometry.LineString{
Coordinates: []geometry.Point{
Lat: 43.3,
Lng: 24.5,
Lat: 44.2,
Lng: 25.0,
Coordinates: []geometry.Point{
Lat: 38.3,
Lng: 40.5,
Lat: 38.2,
Lng: 5.0,
poly := geometry.Polygon{
Coordinates: []geometry.LineString{
Coordinates: []geometry.Point{
Lat: 36.171278341935434,
Lng: -86.76624298095703,
Lat: 36.170862616662134,
Lng: -86.74238204956055,
Lat: 36.19607929145354,
Lng: -86.74100875854492,
Lat: 36.2014818084173,
Lng: -86.77362442016602,
Lat: 36.171278341935434,
Lng: -86.76624298095703,
- New Feature
geom := geometry.Geometry{
GeoJSONType: geojson.Polygon,
Coordinates: [][]float64{
f, err := feature.New(geom, []float64{}, nil, "geom-1")```
- FromJSON:
gjson: "{ \"type\" : \"Feature\", \"properties\": {}, \"geometry\": { \"type\": \"Point\", \"coordinates\": [-71, 41]} }",
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("LoadJSONFixture error %v", err)
f, err := feature.FromJSON(gjson)
- ToPoint
- ToPolygon
- ToMultiPolygon
- ToLineString
- ToMultiLineString
gjson := "{ \"type\": \"FeatureCollection\", \"features\": [ { \"type\": \"Feature\", \"properties\": {}, \"geometry\": { \"type\": \"Polygon\", \"coordinates\": [ [ [-2.109375, 47.040182144806664], [4.5703125, 44.59046718130883], [7.03125, 49.15296965617042], [-3.515625, 49.83798245308484], [-2.109375, 47.040182144806664] ] ] } }, { \"type\": \"Feature\", \"properties\": {}, \"geometry\": { \"type\": \"Polygon\", \"coordinates\": [ [ [9.64599609375, 47.70976154266637], [9.4482421875, 47.73932336136857], [8.8330078125, 47.47266286861342], [10.21728515625, 46.604167162931844], [11.755371093749998, 46.81509864599243], [11.865234375, 47.90161354142077], [9.64599609375, 47.70976154266637] ] ] } } ] }"
collection, err := feature.CollectionFromJSON(gjson)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("CollectionFromJSON error: %v", err)
geometry, err := geometry.FromJSON("{ \"type\": \"MultiPolygon\", \"coordinates\": [ [ [ [-116, -45], [-90, -45], [-90, -56], [-116, -56], [-116, -45] ] ], [ [ [-90.351563, 9.102097], [-77.695312, -3.513421], [-65.039063, 12.21118], [-65.742188, 21.616579], [-84.023437, 24.527135], [-90.351563, 9.102097] ] ] ] }")
- ToPoint
- ToPolygon
- ToMultiPolygon
- ToLineString
- ToMultiLineString
gjson := "{ \"TYPE\": \"GeometryCollection\", \"geometries\": [ { \"TYPE\": \"Point\", \"coordinates\": [-7903683.846322424, 5012341.663847514] }, { \"TYPE\": \"LineString\", \"coordinates\": [ [-2269873.991957, 3991847.410438], [-391357.58482, 6026906.856034], [1565430.33928, 1917652.163291] ] } ] }"
gcl, err := geometry.CollectionFromJSON
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("CollectionFromJSON error: %v", err)
You can also use the library turf-go which is an implementation of the turf.js library in GoLang.