There is more up to date boilerplate based on Gulp 4 and Webpack. Please consider using this one instead
Frontie is a front-end boilerplate using Gulp for task automation.
Based on normalize.css, Bootstrap 4 Grid & Responsive breakpoints and enhanced with Twig.js, Sass, Autoprefixer plus Browsersync. These tools make it a solid front-end boilerplate to get a new project off the ground.
Gulp for task automation
Bootstrap 4 Grid System as a powerful mobile-first flexbox grid to build layouts of all shapes and sizes
Bootstrap 4 Responsive Breakpoints as a media queries to create sensible breakpoints
Twig.js as a templating engine
Sass as a CSS preprocessor
Autoprefixer for parsing CSS and add vendor prefixes to rules by Can I Use
Browsersync for time-saving synchronised browser testing
Github pages for publishing contents to Github pages
Make sure all dependencies have been installed before moving on:
Clone this repository and run
npm install
to install dependencies
This will take some time and will install all packages necessary to run Frontie and its tasks.
to start the server (Browsersync session) and watch for changes
Then visit http://localhost:3000/ - or a new browser windows popped-up already - to preview your new website. BrowserSync will automatically reload the CSS or refresh the whole page, when stylesheets, assets or content changes.
There are other tasks available including:
gulp watch
to watch without building /dist (production files) from scratchgulp build
to build a static version of the website inside the /dist foldergulp deploy
to publish contents from /dist folder to Github pages
|--dist # → Static version of the website ready to upload (never edit)
|--node_modules # → Node.js packages (never edit)
|--gulpfile.js # → Gulpfile tasks
|--package.json # → Node.js dependencies and scripts
|--package-lock.json # → Node.js lock file (never edit)
|--yarn.lock # → Yarn lock file (never edit)
|--src # → Site source files
| |--img # → Site images
| |--css # → Site stylesheets
| |--js # → Site JS
| | |--components # → Components JS (e.g. navbar)
| | |--vendor # → Vendor JS - 3rd party libraries
| | |--main.js # → Main (custom scripts) JS
| |--templates # → Site templates
| | |--components # → Components templates (e.g. navbar)
| | |--layouts # → Base templates
| | |--partials # → Partial templates
| | |--components.twig # → The components page for demo purpose
| | |--index.twig # → The index page
There are also some default Frontie components ( with basic styling and functionality) included in the package.
You can easily remove / comment them out in case you don't need them.
- Navbar
- Button
It's a really great front-end framework for many projects but in some cases it might be just too large and complex.
I only took what I needed from it which is a grid system and responsive breakpoints.
If you need more stuff then you can easily import required components or use a dedicated version Frontie Bootstrap 4
- Upgrade to use Gulp 4, Webpack and Babel or @std/esm
Copyright 2018 Tomasz Bujnowicz under the MIT license.