Some neato PKGBUILDs for Arch Linux I've made available on AUR
- coolvlviewer, coolvlviewer-bin, coolvlviewer-experimental, coolvlviewer-experimental-bin - Provides Cool VL Viewer, a third-party viewer for Second Life and OpenSim grids
- crowdin-cli-bin - Provides crowdin-cli, a command line tool that allows you to manage and synchronize localization resources with your Crowdin project
- firestorm-beta-bin - Provides beta releases for Firestorm Viewer, a third-party viewer for Second Life and OpenSim grids.
- hifi-git - [DEPRECATED] Provides the High Fidelity virtual world project (client and servers)
- polyvox-git - Provides the PolyVox library, intended for storing, manipulating, and displaying volumetric representations of objects
- python3-keybinder - Provides the unmaintained python3-keybinder library, a global keybinding library for X
- swapspace - Provides swapspace, a dynamic swap manager for Linux
- foobar2000-component-audioscrobbler-bin - Provides foo_audioscrobbler, a component for foobar2000
- foobar2000-component-vorbisstream-bin - Provides foo_vorbisstream, which streams Vorbis and associated metadata to Icecast2 and Shoutcast servers for foobar2000
- foobnix + foobnix-git - Provides Foobnix, a lightweight and functional music player for Linux built with GTK+ and Python 3
- hiri - [DEPRECATED] Provides Hiri, a cross-platform, Exchange-ready email client aiming to replace Outlook