Create a set of locations to teleport through in a loop.
Drag and drop the plugin in your plugins folder Restart/reload
- Create your first teleport timer with /timedteleport create .
- You can then set as many points as you want (on your location) with /timedteleport addpoint
- Add as many points as you want
- Use /timedteleport setduration to set the time between each teleportation
- You can then use /timedteleport start to start the teleportation loop.
- If you are done, use /timedteleport stop
- /timedteleport : Main help command
- /timedteleport list : See all created teleporters
- /timedteleport create : Create a new teleporter
- /timedteleport remove : Remove a teleporter
- /timedteleport addpoint : Add your location to the teleporter
- /timedteleport setduration : Set the duration between each teleport
- /timedteleport start : Start a teleporter for you
- /timedteleport stop : Stop your current teleporter
- timedteleport.use: global permission to use the plugin