This is a fork of lwansbrough's react-native-camera that adds the missing support for android. However this support is not yet production-ready and missing many important features. Please take a look at the properties and methods below to see the currently implemented features and take a look at the roadmap to see what is planned.
npm install
- add to your
include ':com.lwansbrough.ReactCamera'
project(':com.lwansbrough.ReactCamera').projectDir = new File(settingsDir, '../node_modules/react-native-camera/android')
- add to your
dependencies {
compile project(':com.lwansbrough.ReactCamera')
add to your
:import com.facebook.react.CompositeReactPackage;
import com.lwansbrough.ReactCamera.ReactCameraPackage;
- in
mReactInstanceManager = ReactInstanceManager.builder() ... .addPackage(new ReactCameraPackage(this)) ...
var Camera = require('react-native-camera'); //require the camera component
render () {
return (
<Camera style={{width: 200, height: 200}}></Camera>
Or take a look at the example project
These properties are a subset of the original ones. The goal is to implement all of them to get the same api on both platforms.
Values: Camera.constants.CaptureTarget.cameraRoll
(default), (deprecated),Camera.constants.CaptureTarget.memory
This property allows you to specify the target output of the captured image data. By default the image binary is sent back as a base 64 encoded string.
Values: Camera.constants.Type.front
or "front"
, Camera.constants.Type.back
or "back"
Use the type
property to specify which camera to use.
You can access component methods by adding a ref
(ie. ref="camera"
) prop to your <Camera>
element, then you can use
, etc. inside your component.
Captures photos from the camera. Set the captureTarget property to specify how to save it.
This component supports subviews, so if you wish to use the camera view as a background or if you want to layout buttons/images/etc. inside the camera then you can do that.
- camera view
- add aspect property
- add orientation property
- capture support
- improve quality of captured photos
- correct captured photo rotation and add support for the rotation option
- add disk captureTarget
- video capturing & captureAudio option
- zoom & flash
- barcode reading