Infrastructure for handling physical units for the Julia programming language
This Units.jl
package is deprecated! Use the Unitful
package instead.
Here is some advice on transitioning:
You'll need to create your own custom _unit_string_dict
and copy-paste the version of parse_quantity
_unit_string_dict = ["um" => Micro*Meter, "s" => Second, "us" => Micro*Second, "MHz" => Mega*Hertz]
function parse_quantity(s::String, strict::Bool = true)
# Find the last character of the numeric component
m = match(r"[0-9\.\+-](?![0-9\.\+-])", s)
if m == nothing
error("String does not have a 'value unit' structure")
val = float64(s[1:m.offset])
ustr = strip(s[m.offset+1:end])
if isempty(ustr)
if strict
error("String does not have a 'value unit' structure")
return val
val * _unit_string_dict[ustr]
Define a NonSIUnit
quantity for each type you want to represent in fixed terms as follows:
Micron = SIUnits.NonSIUnit{typeof(Meter),:µm}()
convert(::Type{SIUnits.SIQuantity},::typeof(Micron)) = Micro*Meter
Then display objects and arrays like this: as(x, Micron)
. If you need this as a string, you can use an IOBuffer