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Tiisy CSV Component

Tiisy CSV provides a simple way to handle CSV files.


  • Can treat CSV files as associative arrays using header row logic (useHeaderRow: true)
  • Uses PHP's native fgetcsv and fputcsv
  • No dependencies
  • Framework-agnostic
  • KISS, keep it simple and stupid (easy maintenance and contributing)
  • Well tested


Using Composer:

composer require tiisy/csv




use Tiisy\Csv\CsvFile;

foreach(CsvFile::createFromString("id,name\n1,foo\n2,bar") as $row => $data) {
    echo $data['id'] . ': ' . $data['name'] . PHP_EOL;

// will output:
// 1: foo
// 2: bar

Create instance of CsvFile



use Tiisy\Csv\CsvFile;

foreach(CsvFile::createFromFile('example.csv', useHeaderRow: false) as $data) {
    echo $data[0] . ': ' . $data[1];

Ways to create an instance of CsvFile:

  • create(<options>) – Creates an empty CSV file
  • createFromArray(array $data) – Creates an CSV file with given data
  • createFromFile(string $filename, <options>) – Loads CSV file by given file
  • createFromResource(resource $handle, <options>) – Loads CSV file by given resource
  • createFromString(string $input, <options>) – Loads CSV file by given string
  • createFromUrl(string $url, <options>) – Loads CSV file by given URL
  • createFromGoogleSpreadsheetId(string $spreadsheetId, <options>) – Loads CSV file by given Google Spreadsheet ID

Optional options for creating an instance of CsvFile:

  • useHeaderRow (default: true) Uses first row as keys for following rows
  • separator (default: ,) Sets the field separator (one single-byte character only)
  • enclosure (default: ") Sets the field enclosure character (one single-byte character only)
  • escape (default: \) Sets the escape character (one single-byte character)

Modifying CSV


use Tiisy\Csv\CsvFile;

$csvFile = CsvFile::createFromArray([
    ['id' => '1', 'name' => 'Nina'],
    ['id' => '2', 'name' => 'Angela'],

$csvFile->add(['id' => '3', 'name' => 'John']);

// You can save your modified CSV file this way: