ThingsBoard IoT Gateway
What's Changed
- New remote configuration dashboard - Can be used with ThingsBoard version 3.6 or above. Contains new, more convenient dashboards and improved functionality, in comparison to the old one.
- New Configuration Wizard - Now, you can run tb-gateway-configurator, configure general parameters, like host, port, credentials and connect your gateway to your ThingsBoard account easily. Then, you can use Remote Configuration dashboard to configure other parameters from UI.
- Added RPC through Connector - Added ability to send "service" RPCs (get/set) to connectors and receive or write a data, without actual device.
- Changed GRPC library to 1.58.0.
- General Improvements
Modbus Connector:
- Fixed RPC processing
- Fixed uplink converter
- General Improvements
Rest Connector:
- General Improvements
SQLite Storage:
- Fix for bug with stale data by @mursisoy
Warning: Old yaml file configuration is deprecated, it is recommended to make a backup of your configuration before updating.
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 3.3...3.4