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🤙 a handy library to reflect and invoke any callable. 🐘 PHP8-ready 🎉


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Technically Callable Reflection

Technically\CallableReflection is a handy library to simplify reflecting any callable. It provides a unified interface for reading callable arguments seamlessly supporting PHP8 union types. It also lets you to easily invoke a callable with call() and apply() supporting named parameters.


  • Unified and simplified interface to reflect callable parameters
  • No dependencies
  • PHP 8.0 ready (supports union type hints; see examples below)
  • PHP 7.1+ compatible
  • Semver
  • Tests


Use Composer package manager to add Technically\CallableReflection to your project:

composer require technically/callable-reflection


Reflecting callable properties

$function = function (string $abstract, Closure|string|null $concrete): mixed {
    // function body

$reflection = CallableReflection::fromCallable($function);

var_dump($reflection->isFunction()); // false
var_dump($reflection->isMethod()); // false
var_dump($reflection->isClosure()); // true

[$p1, $p2] = $reflection->getParameters();

var_dump($p2->getName()); // "concrete"
var_dump($p2->isNullable()); // true
var_dump($p2->isOptional()); // false
var_dump($p2->hasTypes()); // true

[$t1, $t2, $t3] = $p2->getTypes();

var_dump($t1->isScalar()); // false 
var_dump($t1->isClassName()); // true 
var_dump($t1->getType()); // "Closure" 

var_dump($t2->isScalar()); // true 
var_dump($t2->isClassName()); // false 
var_dump($t2->getType()); // "string"

var_dump($t3->isNull()); // true
var_dump($t3->isScalar()); // false 
var_dump($t3->isClassName()); // false 
var_dump($t3->getType()); // "null" 

Reflecting arbitrary class constructor

final class MyService {
    public function __construct(LoggerInterface $logger, bool $debug = false)
        // ...

$reflection = CallableReflection::fromConstructor(MyService::class);

var_dump($reflection->isConstructor()); // true
var_dump($reflection->isFunction()); // false
var_dump($reflection->isMethod()); // false
var_dump($reflection->isClosure()); // false

[$p1, $p2] = $reflection->getParameters();

var_dump($p1->getName()); // "logger"
var_dump($p1->isNullable()); // false
var_dump($p1->isOptional()); // false
var_dump($p1->hasTypes()); // true

var_dump($p2->getName()); // "debug"
var_dump($p2->isNullable()); // false
var_dump($p2->isOptional()); // true
var_dump($p2->hasTypes()); // true

Checking if value satisfies parameter type declaration

$function = function (int|string $value = null): mixed {
    // function body

$reflection = CallableReflection::fromCallable($function);

[$param] = $reflection->getParameters();

var_dump($param->satisfies(null)); // true
var_dump($param->satisfies(1)); // true
var_dump($param->satisfies('Hello')); // true
var_dump($param->satisfies(2.5)); // false
var_dump($param->satisfies([])); // false
var_dump($param->satisfies(true)); // false

Invoking callable via reflection

$function = function (string $abstract, Closure|string|null $concrete): mixed {
// function body

$reflection = CallableReflection::fromCallable($function);

// 1) call with positional parameters
$result = $reflection->call(LoggerInterface::class, MyLogger::class);

// 1) call with named parameters
$result = $reflection->call(concrete: MyLogger::class, abstract: LoggerInterface::class);

// 2) call with positional parameters array 
$result = $reflection->apply([LoggerInterface::class, MyLogger::class]);

// 3) call with named parameters array 
$result = $reflection->apply(['concrete' => MyLogger::class, 'abstract' => LoggerInterface::class]);

// 4) call with mixed named and positional parameters array 
$result = $reflection->apply([LoggerInterface::class, 'concrete' => MyLogger::class]);

// 5) CallableReflection is a callable by itself
$result = $reflection(LoggerInterface::class, MyLogger::class);

Invoking constructor via reflection

final class MyService {
    public function __construct(LoggerInterface $logger, bool $debug = false)
        // ...

$reflection = CallableReflection::fromConstructor(MyService::class);

$service = $reflection->call(new NullLogger());
// or alternatively:
// $service = $reflection->apply(['logger' => new NullLogger()]);
assert($service instanceof MyService);

How is this better than reflecting Closure::fromCallable()

This library's functionality is somewhat similar to what a reflection of the standard Closure::fromCallable() can provide. And if that's sufficient for your use case, I recommend using the standard code.

This library, however, does provide some added value on top:

  • It unifies interactions will all kinds of callables, including class constructors. That was actually the primary use case I had in mind for it — building a DI service container.

    For example, you cannot instantiate a new instance with Closure::fromCallable():

    $reflection = new ReflectionFunction(Closure::fromCallable([MyRemoteService::class, '__construct']));
    $service = $reflection->call($token); // (!) doesn't work

    but you can call a constructor with this library:

    $reflection = CallableReflection::fromConstructor(MyRemoteService::class);
    $service = $reflection->call($token);
  • It can know and tell what type of callable was reflected, while with Closure::fromCallable() this information is lost. This might be important for certain use cases, or not. Depending on the scenario.

  • It has nice additional convenience getters and checkers. Like satisfies(), isOptional(), isNull(), isScalar(), etc.

  • I also find the API somewhat more intuitive and convenient (which is, of course, subjective and debatable), as the native Reflection API is slightly polluted as a result of BC-preserving additions

  • In terms of performance, I am sure this implementation will most definitely be slower than using the native code. Though I didn't test it to provide the exact numbers. It's basically doing almost the same, but with extra code on top — just operating on top of Reflections API.


All notable changes to this project will be documented in the CHANGELOG file.


Implemented by 👾 Ivan Voskoboinyk.


🤙 a handy library to reflect and invoke any callable. 🐘 PHP8-ready 🎉







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