An Elixir mix task that list the license(s) of all installed packages in your project.
The package can be installed by adding licensir
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:licensir, "~> 0.6", only: :dev, runtime: false}
This mix task in most cases only needs to be run on a development machine and independent from the runtime applications, hence the only: dev, runtime: false
If you do not wish to include this tool as part of your dependencies, you may also install it locally by running:
$ mix archive.install hex licensir 0.6.0
Now you can access this tool from any path on your local machine that has access to mix
Run mix licenses
to get the list of packages and their licenses:
$ mix licenses
| Package | Version | License |
| certifi | | BSD |
| earmark | 1.3.2 | Apache 2.0 |
| ex_doc | 0.20.2 | Apache 2.0 |
| excoveralls | | Unsure (found: MIT, Unrecognized license file content) |
| hackney | | Apache 2.0 |
| idna | | Unsure (found: BSD, MIT) |
| jason | | Apache 2.0 |
| makeup | 0.8.0 | Unsure (found: BSD, Unrecognized license file content) |
| makeup_elixir | 0.13.0 | BSD |
| metrics | | BSD |
| mimerl | | MIT |
| nimble_parsec | 0.5.0 | Apache 2.0 |
| ssl_verify_fun | | MIT |
| table_rex | 2.0.0 | MIT |
| unicode_util_compat | | Unsure (found: Apache 2.0, BSD) |
Run mix licenses --csv
to output in csv format:
earmark,1.3.2,Apache 2.0
ex_doc,0.20.2,Apache 2.0
excoveralls,,"Unsure (found: MIT, Unrecognized license file content)"
hackney,,Apache 2.0
idna,,"Unsure (found: BSD, MIT)"
jason,,Apache 2.0
makeup,0.8.0,"Unsure (found: BSD, Unrecognized license file content)"
nimble_parsec,0.5.0,Apache 2.0
unicode_util_compat,,"Unsure (found: Apache 2.0, BSD)"
- Only fetch license information from top level dependencies (e.g. packages that are directly listed in your application'smix.exs
). Excludes transitive dependencies.
You may call the function Licensir.Scanner.scan()
from your Elixir application to get a list of license data per dependency.
iex> Licensir.Scanner.scan([])
app: :jason,
dep: %Mix.Dep{
app: :jason,
deps: ...
file: "Apache 2",
hex_metadata: ["Apache 2.0"],
license: "Apache 2.0",
mix: nil,
name: "jason",
version: nil
Copyright (c) 2017-2019, Unnawut Leepaisalsuwanna.
Licensir is released under the MIT License.
This project contains 3rd party work as follow:
- ASCII table rendering: a partial copy of djm/table_rex.
- CSV rendering: a partial copy of beatrichartz/csv.