Tair C++ Client is a client used to connect to Tair, it can also be used to connect to Redis, because Tair is fully compatible with Redis.
- Asynchronous and provides a synchronous future interface
- Support Standalone and Cluster
- Support seamless switching capabilities [WIP]
- Support rust, go, python interfaces [WIP]
- build deps
./bootstrap.sh deps release[debug]
- build source
./bootstrap.sh build release[debug]
- [optional] start redis at
(default: and run test
./bootstrap.sh test
#include "client/TairClient.hpp"
#include "client/TairResult.hpp"
#include "common/CountDownLatch.hpp"
#include <iostream>
using tair::client::TairClient;
using tair::client::TairURI;
using tair::client::TairResult;
using tair::common::CountDownLatch;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
// connect
auto *client = new TairClient();
TairURI uri = TairURI::create()
if (!client->init(uri).isSuccess()) {
std::cerr << "Connect error, see logs for detail" << std::endl;
// sync usage
auto wrapper = client->getFutureWrapper();
std::future<TairResult<std::string>> f = wrapper.set("key", "value");
if (f.get().isSuccess()) {
std::cout << "set key success" << std::endl;
} else {
std::cerr << "set key fail" << std::endl;
// async usage, we need a latch to pending
CountDownLatch latch;
client->get("key", [&](const TairResult<std::shared_ptr<std::string>> &result) {
if (result.isSuccess()) {
std::cout << "get key: " << *(result.getValue()) << std::endl;
} else {
std::cerr << "get key fail" << std::endl;
// destroy
For more examples please refer to the examples directory.