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A client packaged based on Jedis that operates Tair For Redis Modules.
- TairHash, is a hash that allows you to specify the expiration time and version number of a field. (Open sourced)
- TairString, is a string that contains a version number. (Open sourced)
- TairZset, allows you to sort data of the double type based on multiple dimensions. (Open sourced)
- TairDoc, to perform create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations on JSON data.
- TairGis, allowing you to query points, linestrings, and polygons. (Open Sourced)
- TairBloom, is a Bloom filter that supports dynamic scaling.
- TairRoaring, is a more efficient and balanced type of compressed bitmaps recognized by the industry.
- TairTs, is a time series data structure that is developed on top of Redis modules.
- TairCpc, is a data structure developed based on the compressed probability counting (CPC) sketch.
- TairSearch, is a full-text search module developed in-house based on Redis modules.
- TairVector, is a vector search data structure, offering simplicity, flexibility, real-time performance, and high efficiency.
<version>Latest version</version>
The latest verison:here
JavaDoc: here
Refer to the complete example under tests/example/*
- Monitor user trajectories by using TairGIS
- Implement high-performance distributed locks by using TairString
- Implement bounded counters by using TairString
- Implement multidimensional leaderboards by using TairZset
- Implement fine-grained monitoring by using TairTS
- Implement distributed leaderboards by using TairZset
- Select users by using TairRoaring
The TairSearch module in tairjedis depends on: OpenSearch