chore: reproduction for Nx bug (it installs deps with legacy-peer-deps=true
on: pull_request
2m 4s
10 warnings
OpenSSF Scorecard Warning
npm/@bcoe/v8-coverage has an OpenSSF Scorecard of 2.4, which is less than this repository's threshold of 3.
OpenSSF Scorecard Warning
npm/@cypress/xvfb has an OpenSSF Scorecard of 1.7, which is less than this repository's threshold of 3.
OpenSSF Scorecard Warning
npm/babel-preset-current-node-syntax has an OpenSSF Scorecard of 2.9, which is less than this repository's threshold of 3.
OpenSSF Scorecard Warning
npm/bluebird has an OpenSSF Scorecard of 1.9, which is less than this repository's threshold of 3.
OpenSSF Scorecard Warning
npm/capture-exit has an OpenSSF Scorecard of 1.7, which is less than this repository's threshold of 3.
OpenSSF Scorecard Warning
npm/colors has an OpenSSF Scorecard of 2, which is less than this repository's threshold of 3.
OpenSSF Scorecard Warning
npm/common-tags has an OpenSSF Scorecard of 2, which is less than this repository's threshold of 3.
OpenSSF Scorecard Warning
npm/core-util-is has an OpenSSF Scorecard of 1.7, which is less than this repository's threshold of 3.
OpenSSF Scorecard Warning
npm/core-util-is has an OpenSSF Scorecard of 1.7, which is less than this repository's threshold of 3.
OpenSSF Scorecard Warning
npm/create-require has an OpenSSF Scorecard of 2.7, which is less than this repository's threshold of 3.