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This repo contains orvara, the package for fitting orbits of bright stars and their faint companions (exoplanets, brown dwarfs, white dwarfs, and low-mass stars).


NOTE: you must have Cython installed prior to installing orvara. The following instructions will git clone the repo, then install Cython, and then install orvara:

git clone
cd orvara
pip install cython
pip install -e .


cd to the root directory of the repo (if you are not already there). Run:

pytest -sv

This will run a small suite of tests. This should take about 5 minutes. If any of the tests fail, something is wrong with the install. Maybe you recently switched branches? Try deleting the two compiled c files (orbit.c and orbit.cpython-38...) and then run pip install -e . again. If the issue persists, please submit an issue ticket on github!

Orbit fitting


First, assign the appropriate file directories and settings inside of a config.ini file. Example configuration files can be found in orvara/tests/ e.g. orvara/tests/config.ini.

Epoch Astrometry

If you are using epoch astrometry (observational epochs and scan angles), you must give paths for GaiaDataDir, Hip1DataDir, and Hip2DataDir. Those are the paths of the intermediate epoch and scan angles for Gaia/GOST in csv format, the intermediate astrometry from the original Hipparcos data reduction, and from the second Hipparcos data reduction.

We recommend starting with use_epoch_astrometry = False. If this fails, then there is something wrong with the RVFile, HGCAFile, or (relative) AstrometryFile. If that chain finishes fine, then set use_epoch_astrometry = True.

It is preferred if your data come from the Java Tool (published in 2021). You will want to point orvara to the directory that contains the H00, H01, etc. folders. It is also OK to have all the IAD in one folder, in which case, point orvara to that large folder. For more information about the Java Tool IAD, see: and you can download the data there as a zip file. See Brandt et al. 2021 for the explanation as to why the Java Tool data are preferred. We recommend only using the Java Tool IAD. If you only use the Java Tool IAD, then ignore the following three warnings.

DVD IAD Warning 1: If your Hip2 intermediate data come from the DVD, you will want to point to the 'resrec' folder. This should be e.g.: Hip2_DVD_Book/IntermediateData/resrec. You can keep the original directory structure as it is.

DVD IAD Warning 2: If you have fits of both the Java Tool and DVD IAD, then it is imperative that you keep those different IAD in different directories. The DVD IAD and Java tool IAD have slightly different data formats. Orvara will abort if you have more than one IAD file with the same hipparcos id. (E.g., a folder with both H003850.d and HIP003850.d)

DVD IAD Warning 3: As described in Brandt et al. 2021, there are roughly 6600 sources whose DVD IAD is suspected to be corrupted. This corruption is automatically fixed by htof if you use the Java Tool IAD.

Setting priors

Adding Gaussian mass priors are supported. As well, bounded log-uniform priors on the RV jitter are supported. To add a Gaussian mass prior of 1 ± 0.1 M_sun on the primary, you will want to add the following section to your configuration file:

mpri = 1
mpri_sig = 0.1
minjitter = 1e-5
maxjitter = 1e3

minjitter and maxjitter are the lower and upper bounds respectively for the log-uniform prior. E.g. If you wanted to set a log-uniform prior on jitter between 1 and 300 meters/second (and zero outside that prior), you would set minjitter = 1 and maxjitter = 300.

mpri is the mean of the gaussian prior on the primary mass. mpri_sig is the standard deviation of that distribution. E.g. for our example of a gaussian prior on the primary mass of 1 solar mass and 0.1 solar mass deviation, you set mpri = 1 and mpri_sig = 0.1.

Leaving mpri_sig = inf will turn off the prior and default to a 1/m prior.

Fits without using HGCA (hipparcos and gaia) absolute astrometry

You can fit an object that does not exist in the HGCA. Simply comment out the HipID line in the configuration file. E.g.,:

. more stuff above...
# In that case you must supply a parallax and parallax_error in [priors_settings].
#HipID = 3850
#^ # note that we have commented the hip id out!!!
. more stuff below...

And set a parallax and parallax error in the priors section. So:

. more stuff above...

. more stuff below...

And that is it! The fit will proceed as normal, but gaia and hipparcos epoch astrometry will not constrain the orbit.

Fits without subsets of data

You can do fits with orvara to any subset of the three data sources: 1. Radial velocities 2. Absolute astometry (via the HGCA) 3. Relative astrometry.

E.g., you can do fits without the absolute astrometry (so just 1. and 3.), or a fit to purely radial velocities. Etc. Below are descriptions with how to do fits to a source without a specific set of data.

  1. To do a fit without radial velocity data: In the config file, set RVFile = None
  2. To do a fit without Absolute astrometry: In the config file, set HipID = None
  3. To do a fit without Relative Astrometry: AstrometryFile = None

So if I wanted to do a fit to just radial velocities, I would set HipID = None and AstrometryFile = None, and RVFile = path/to/the_rv_data.dat.

Starting conditions

You can set the initial conditions of the orbit (starting parameters of the walkers of the MCMC chain) via a starting file specified in the config.ini file. There is an example starting file provided in orvara/tests/start_Gl758.dat.


After setting paths and MCMC (markov-chain monte-carlo) settings in a config.ini file, you fit an orbit by running the following from the command line.

fit_orbit --output-dir /path/to/output path/to/config.ini

If you do not specify an output directory using --output-dir, then orvara will write its output files to the current working directory. One can set the number of threads in the config.ini file via nthreads. Note that the built-in parallelization is poor, and that parallelization might not work at all on some systems. If you get an error when running the code check to see if it goes away when setting nthreads=1. It is often better to set nthreads to 1 then simply run multiple instances of orvara on separate cores.

You can access the help menu with the --help flag as follows.

fit_orbit --help

Input Data

Orvara can fit orbits to a combination of input data. Accepted are (any combination of): relative radial velocities (the radial velocity of the planet minus the radial velocity of the star), radial velocities, relative astrometry.

See orvara/tests/data for examples of these input data files. Be sure that the units are consistent with those presented in the examples.

Orvara will automatically include absolute astrometric constraints when available. If the star is not inside of the Hipparcos Gaia Catalog of Accelerations, these data will be excluded in the fit.


The output of the MCMC is a .fits file contained within your given output directory (default current working directory). The name of the file will be given by the target field within the [plotting] field of the config file, with _chain000.fits appended (the integer will be incremented to the next free filename). If this field is empty, the backup target name will follow the form HIP%d_chain%03d.fits.

The output file contains two .fits extensions: an empty one, and a fits table with all the MCMC parameters at each step of the chain, together with the log of the (unnormalized) posterior probability and some additional quantities.

HDU0: empty

The first extension is empty for table data.

HDU1: table

This is a fits table object. Each table column is of shape (nwalkers, nsteps/thin) where thin is the thinning used in the configuration file (default 50, to save every 50th step). You may access a column by, e.g.,

lnlike = hdulist[1].data['lnp']

The column names and descriptions are:

'mpri' : Primary mass (Solar masses)

'msec0' : Secondary mass of the first (index 0) companion, Solar masses

'sau0' : Semimajor axis of the first companion, AU

'esino0' : sqrt(ecc)*sin(omega) for the first companion

'ecoso0' : sqrt(ecc)*cos(omega) for the first companion

'inc0' : inclination (radians) for the first companion

'asc0' : PA of the ascending node (radians) for the first companion

'lam0' : Mean longitude at reference epoch for the first companion

If there is more than one companion, then there are additional fields with, e.g., 'msec1', 'msec2', etc.

'jitter' : log RV jitter in m/s

'jitter0' : log RV jitter for instrument 0

Note that 'jitter0', 'jitter1', etc. are present and 'jitter' is not if using one jitter per instrument. The default is to use the same jitter for all instruments. In this case 'jitter' is present but 'jitter0', 'jitter1', etc. are not.

'lnp' : natural log of the (unnormalized) probability. Note that this includes matrix determinants and is not simply chi squared.

'plx_ML' : maximum likelihood (ML) parallax at this chain step

'pmra_ML' : ML proper motion in RA at this chain step

'pmdec_ML' : ML proper motion in Dec at this chain step

'chisq_sep' : The chi squared in separation at the ML parallax at this chain step

'chisq_PA' : The chi squared in position angle at this chain step

'chisq_H' : The chi squared for the two Hipparcos proper motions

'chisq_HG' : The chi squared for the two long-term Hipparcos-Gaia proper motions

'chisq_G' : The chi squared for the two Gaia proper motions

'chisq_relRV' : The chi squared for the relative RV data (RV planet - RV star). This will be zero if no relative RV data is used. It will be "None" if the chain you are plotting is from an older version of orvara which did not have relRV data support.

'RV_ZP_0_ML' : The ML zero point (barycenter RV) for instrument 0

There will be an 'RV_ZP_1_ML' for instrument 1, etc., up to the number of RV instruments.

NOTE: chisq_RV, the chisquared of the fit to the RV data is not saved. This is for the following reason. Orvara uses a jitter term such that the reduced chisquared ( equal to (chisquared of RV fit)/(number of RV data points) ) is 1. So if you want chisq_RV, it is simply a value very close to the number of RV data points.

If you want an overall absolute astrometric chi squared, you would add the values from items 'chisq_H', 'chisq_HG', and 'chisq_G' above. There are effectively four measurements since the mean proper motion of the system was fit ('pmra_ML' and 'pmdec_ML').

For instance, displaying hdulist[1].data['plx_ML'] will show all the walkers for the parallax chain (however this parameter is marginalized over in orvara, it is not fit). numpy.mean(hdulist[1].data['plx_ML'][:, burn:]) and numpy.std(hdulist[1].data['plx_ML'][:, burn:]) would give the mean and standard deviation of the maximum likelihood parallax (with burn = some integer that is the number of steps/thinning factor that you are discarding as burn in). You should add the measurement error of the parallax in quadrature with this particular uncertainty.

One can use the 'lnp' column to compare the likelihoods of the best orbits if a certain posterior is multimodal. Assume that the marginalized posterior in PA is multimodal, with a mode at a value > 180 degrees, and a mode at a value less than 180 degrees. The following code would print the likelihoods of the maximum likelihood orbits at each of those two modes.

tt ='my/path/chain.fits')[1].data
logl = tt['lnp']
pa_data = (tt['asc0']*180/np.pi) % 360
ls180 = pa_data < 180
g180 = pa_data >= 180

print(np.max(logl[ls180]))  # the max log likelihood of all orbits with PA of ascending nodes < 180 degrees
print(np.max(logl[g180]))  # the max log likelihood of all orbits with PA of ascending nodes > 180 degrees


To run a quick test using the test data and test config.ini in orvara/tests, you could cd to the root directory of orvara, then run the following

fit_orbit orvara/tests/config.ini --output-dir ~/Downloads

This will create a .fits file in the Downloads folder. The MCMC should terminate in less than one second because of the short number of steps indicated in the example config file.

The end-to-end tests in test_e2e check that the code is converging to previously accepted values for HIP3850. If you wanted to run the code yourself on this test case and check the results yourself against those in misc/Diagnostic_plots.ipynb, you can run:

fit_orbit orvara/tests/diagnostic_config.ini --output-dir ~/Downloads

The diagnostic_config.ini has the same parameters as those used to create the plots in Diagnostic_plots.ipynb



Once a .fits file from the output of the MCMC is generated, you can produce several plots of an orbit by running the following in the command line in the root directory of the repo. To do this, specify the path to the .fits MCMC output file within the configuration file.

plot_orbit path/to/config.ini --output-dir /path/to/output

You can access the help menu with the --help flag as follows.

plot_orbit --help


Main plots orvara is configured to produce from the orbital fit

  1. Astrometry orbit of the companion
  2. Radial Velocity (RV) orbit over an extended time baseline
  3. RV orbit over the observed baseline with O-C
  4. Relative separation of the two companions
  5. Position angle between the two companions
  6. Astrometric acceleration or proper motion fit to Hipparcos-Gaia Astrometry
  7. A density plot showing the predicted position at a chosen epoch
  8. An on-sky predicted position of the planet, at any given epoch. A plot is produced, and the predicted ra, dec (in mas, with uncertainties) is printed to console.

To generate any of these plots, simply set the corresponding parameters under the [plotting section] in the config.ini file to a boolean variable True. If False, a plot would not be produced.

Here, for 1. Astrometry orbit plots, you can modify the predicted_years parameter to plot random predicted epoch positions on the Astrometry plot.

For 2. RV orbit of the companion, you can choose to plot a specific instrument (by name) or all of the RV instruments by changing the Relative_RV_Instrument parameter to either the name of the instrument or All.

For 6. Proper motion plots, you can plot the proper motions in RA and DEC in one plot (Proper_motion_separate_plots = False) or two (Proper_motion_separate_plots = True). In general, you can also set a customized range of epochs you want to plot, as well as number of orbits sampled from the posterior distributions and the resolution (step size).

Other outputs

In addition to the six plots, you can check convergence of fitted parameters in the HDU1 extension by setting the parameter check_convergence to True. You can define the length of the burn-in phase, note that the parameters are sampled every thin steps (as set in the configuration file; default 50). And you can save the results from the fitted and inferred parameters from the HDU1 extension with save_params = True in the [save_results] section, with an option of setting the quantiles for the uncertainties.

Color bar settings

To color-code orbits with a key, choose a colormap from the matplotlib list of colormaps (default viridis) and a reference scheme for the colorbar. Three reference schemes are available: the eccentricity as ecc, the secondary companion in jupiter mass as msec_jup and the secondary companion in solar mass as msec_solar. Use use_colorbar to toggle the colorbar key on and off with True or False.

Multiple Keplerian orbit fits

In the case of a 3-body or multiple-body fit, you can plot the results for each companion by setting iplanet to the corresponding companion ID used in the fitting. iplanet starts from 0.


To plot orbits, run the plot_orbit command. We can use HD4747 as an example. First, run the orvara fit, then the plotting, e.g.:

fit_orbit --output-dir ./orvara/tests/chains orvara/tests/config_HD4747.ini

plot_orbit --output-dir ./orvara/tests/plots orvara/tests/config_HD4747.ini

plot_orbit will plot the chain given in the McmcDataFile in the config file. If you want the results from a different chain (e.g. a second, different fit of the same star) you must update this parameter to the new file.

Contribution Guidelines

We encourage contributions to orvara. The workflow for contributing is the following.

First time contributers:
  • Fork the repository
  • Checkout a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
  • Make your changes to that branch.
  • When you are ready to submit a pull request into the main orvara branch (currently called master), run pytest -sv to make sure that the required tests pass.
  • If the tests pass, submit your pull request.
  • One approving administrator review is required to approve a pull request.
Users who are invited to be collaborators on the repo:
  • The same as above, except there is no need to fork the repository once you accept your invite!


Placeholder FIXME


BSD 3-clause license