LuaX is Lua + HTML Syntax extension with built-in decent parse. In retrospect it's akin to React JSX.
Initial inspiration comes from The reason is to make it simpler with support of Lua metaprogramming
where node tags
is handle automatically without defining it.
Install with Luarocks
luarocks install luax
If you only need the pragma without handling transpiling lua files, load the LuaX
pragma only with
local h = require('h')
print(h(div({ style = "color: red;" }, "Hello from LuaX!")))
You'll get,
<div style="color: red;">Hello from LuaX!</div>
So how to use with actual HTML syntax in Lua? First create a *.luax
-- el.luax
local attr = { style="color: red;" }
return <div style={attr.stlye}>hello from LuaX!</div>
import it on to the main
-- import luax transpiler to handle the parsing of *.luax file
local h = require('luax')
local el = require('el')
You'll get,
<div style="color: red;">Hello from LuaX!</div>
Sample usage with table structure
local function map(a, fcn)
local b = {}
for _, v in ipairs(a) do
table.insert(b, fcn(v))
return b
local filters = {
{ url = "#/", name = "All", selected = true },
{ url = "#/active", name = "Active", selected = false },
{ url = "#/completed", name = "Completed", selected = false },
local content = map(filters, function(filter)
return <li>
class={filter.selected and 'selected' or nil}
_="on click add .selected to me"
return <ul class="filters" _="on load set $filter to me">
See the test folder to see more usage cases.
Check example with lua examples/web-component/server.lua
Also todoMCV example at,
Install from VSCode Extension Marketplace to support syntax highlighlight for .luax
- Since nodeName such
, etc+ are used as declared variables, so do NOT declare a function with the same name i.e.,
local function li()
return <li>todo 1</li>
- when using
you need to convert to string so encapsulate withh
pragma, - defining in bracket try to limit by using
instead of"
i.e.,{foo and 'foo' or nil}
, - leave attributes assignment with no spacing
{ foo="foo" }
instead of{ foo = "foo" }
, - HTML comments, not supported yet.