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Switch-USA model built using PowerGenome data pipeline

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The sections below show how to use this repository. Note that this will take about 20 GB of storage on your computer before you start generating model inputs. This is mainly used by the MIP_results_comparison sub-repository, which holds one copy of all the comparison data (6.2 GB) in the active file system and one copy in the underlying git database, and also by the PowerGenome input files that will be stored in the pg_data directory (9.2 GB).

Install miniconda

Download from Install or whatever powergenome recommends (mainly to get git) if you already have this or miniconda or anaconda, you can skip ahead

Install VS Code and Python Extensions

We assume you are using the Visual Studio Code (VS Code) text editor to view and edit code and data files and run Switch. You can use a different text editor (and terminal app) if you like, but it should be capable of doing programming-oriented tasks, like quickly adjusting the indentation of many lines in a text file. If you prefer, you can also open the .csv data files directly in your spreadsheet software instead of using VS Code.

Download and install the VS Code text editor from

If you need more information on installing VS Code, see (On a Mac you may need to double-click on the downloaded zip file to uncompress it, then use the Finder to move the “Visual Studio Code” app from your download folder to your Applications folder.)

If you'd like a quick introduction to VS Code, see

Launch Visual Studio Code from the Start menu (Windows) or Applications folder (Mac). You can choose a color theme and/or work your way through the “Get Started” steps (it’s a scrollable list), or you can skip them if you don’t want to do that now.

Follow these steps to install the Python extension for VS Code:

  • Click on the Extensions icon on the Activity Bar on the left side of the Visual Studio Code window (or choose View > Extensions from the menu). The icon looks like four squares.
  • This will open the Extensions pane on the left side of the window. Type “Python” in the search box, then click on “Install” next to the Python extension that lists Microsoft as the developer:
  • After installing the Python extension, you will see a “Get started with Python development” tab and a “Get started with Jupyter Notebooks” tab. You can close these.

Follow these steps to install two more extensions that will be useful. These are optional, but they make it easier to read and edit data stored in text files, such as the .csv files used by Switch:

  • Type “rainbow csv” in the search box in the Extensions pane, then click on “Install” next to the Rainbow CSV extension (this is optional, but makes it easier to read and edit data stored in text files, such as the .csv files used by Switch):
  • Type “excel viewer” in the search box, then click to install the Excel Viewer extension (this is also optional, but gives a nice grid view of .csv files):

Setup modeling software

Open VS Code.

Press shift-control-P (Windows) or shift-cmd-P (Mac). Choose Python: Select Interpreter, then select the Python interpreter you installed in the previous step (you may be able to find it by searching for "base").

Open a terminal pane: Terminal > New Terminal

Run these commands in the terminal pane.

# add some tools to your base environment to use for installing the rest
# (if you prefer not to alter your base environment, you could add these to a
# "pre-install" environment and use that for the initial setup)
conda install -y -c conda-forge mamba git

# clone this repository and the dependency submodules (PowerGenome and MIP_results_comparison)
cd <wherever you want the Switch-USA-PG code>
git clone --recurse-submodules --depth=1
cd Switch-USA-PG

# Create and activate powergenome environment
mamba create -y -c conda-forge -n switch-pg python=3.10 mamba git ipykernel
mamba env update -n switch-pg -f environment.yml
mamba env update -n switch-pg -f PowerGenome/environment.yml
conda activate switch-pg

# install PowerGenome from local sub-repository
pip install -e PowerGenome

Close the current VS Code window. Then choose File > Open, then navigate to the Switch-USA-PG folder and choose "Open". You can repeat this step anytime you want to work with this repository in the future.

Set VS Code to use the switch-pg Python environment for future work: shift-ctrl/cmd-P > Python: Select Interpreter > search for switch-pg > enter

Download PowerGenome input data and configure PowerGenome to use it

In VS Code, choose Terminal > New Terminal, then run these commands in the terminal pane (inside the Switch-USA-PG directory):

conda activate switch-pg


Notes about PowerGenome scenario configuration

MIP_results_comparison/case_settings/26-zone/settings-atb2023 holds the settings currently used for all scenarios in this study in a collection of *.yml files. In addition to these, tabular data is stored in *.csv files. The location of the .csv files and the specific files to use for the study are identified in extra_inputs.yml. The location should be a subdirectory (currently CONUS_extra_inputs) at the same level as the settings folder that holds the .yml files. One special .csv file, identified by the scenario_definitions_fn setting (currently MIP_results_comparison/case_settings/26-zone/CONUS_extra_inputs/conus_scenario_inputs.csv), defines all the cases available and identifies named groups of settings to use for various aspects of the model for each one. The .yml files in turn provide specific values to use in the model, depending which group of settings is selected.

Generate Switch inputs

To setup one model case for one year for testing, you can run this command:

# setup one example case (specify case-id and year)
python MIP_results_comparison/case_settings/26-zone/settings-atb2023 switch/26-zone/in/ --case-id base_short --year 2050

The script uses settings from the first directory you specify (MIP_results_comparison/case_settings/26-zone/settings-atb2023) and places Switch model input files below the second directory you specify (switch/26-zone/in/).

To generate data for a specific model case, use --case-id <case_name>. To generate data for multiple cases, use --case-id <case_1> --case-id <case_2>, etc. If you omit the --case-id flag, will generate inputs for all available cases.

Similarly, to generate data for a specific year, use --year NNNN, for multiple years, use --year MMMM --year NNNN, etc. If you omit the --year flag, will generate inputs for all available years.

By default, will generate foresight models for each case-id when multiple years are requested. In this case, each model will use all available years of data. If you'd like to make single-period (myopic) models, you can use the --myopic flag.

For the MIP project, most cases were setup as myopic models, where one model was created for each case for each reference year, then they were solved in sequence, from the first to the last, with extra code to carry construction plans and retirements forward to later years.

The following commands will generate all model data for the MIP study.

# setup all myopic cases (don't specify case-id)
python MIP_results_comparison/case_settings/26-zone/settings-atb2023 switch/26-zone/in/ --myopic
# setup foresight cases (only for two main cases)
python MIP_results_comparison/case_settings/26-zone/settings-atb2023 switch/26-zone/in/ --case-id base_20_week --case-id current_policies_20_week

(Note: for comparison, you can generate GenX inputs by running mkdir -p genx/in, then run_powergenome_multiple -sf MIP_results_comparison/case_settings/26-zone -rf genx/in -c base_short. They will stored in genx/in.)

Generate Switch inputs on high performance computing (HPC) cluster

On an HPC system that uses the slurm scheduling manager, the cases can be setup in parallel as follows:

sbatch pg_to_switch.slurm MIP_results_comparison/case_settings/26-zone/settings-atb2023 switch/26-zone/in/ --myopic
sbatch --array=1-2 pg_to_switch.slurm MIP_results_comparison/case_settings/26-zone/settings-atb2023 switch/26-zone/in/ --case-id base_20_week --case-id current_policies_20_week

The pg_to_switch.slurm batch definition will run multiple copies of the script in an array with the arguments provided. It passes the task ID of each job within the array (by default elements 1-24) as a --case-index argument to the script, which causes to just setup that one case number from among all cases identified on the command line. You can adjust the --array=n-m at the start and --case-id arguments later in the line to choose which cases to prepare, e.g. this will just setup base_short_retire:

sbatch --array=1 pg_to_switch.slurm MIP_results_comparison/case_settings/26-zone/settings-atb2023 switch/26-zone/in/ --myopic --case-id base_short_retire

As an alternative, you can run sbatch setup_cases.slurm, which will run This will prepare all the cases one by one using a single machine.

Run Switch

You can solve one case for one year like this:

cd switch
switch solve --inputs-dir 26-zone/in/2030/base_52_week_2027 --outputs-dir 26-zone/out/2030/base_52_week_2027

This works well for the foresight cases, which only have one model to solve per case. However, for the myopic cases, it is necessary to solve each year in turn and chain the results forward to the next stage. The chaining can be done by adding --include-module mip_modules.prepare_next_stage to the command line for all but the last stage and adding --input-aliases gen_build_predetermined.csv=gen_build_predetermined.chained.base_short.csv gen_build_costs.csv=gen_build_costs.chained.base_short.csv transmission_lines.csv=transmission_lines.chained.base_short.csv for all but the first stage. (The prepare_next_stage module prepares alternative inputs for the next stage that include the construction plan from the current stage. Then the --input-aliases flag tells Switch to use those alternative inputs.)

So you could solve the myopic version of the base_short model with these commands (but there's a better option, see below):

cd switch
switch solve --inputs-dir 26-zone/in/2027/base_short --outputs-dir 26-zone/out/2027/base_short  --include-module mip_modules.prepare_next_stage
switch solve --inputs-dir 26-zone/in/2030/base_short --outputs-dir 26-zone/out/2030/base_short  --include-module mip_modules.prepare_next_stage --input-aliases gen_build_predetermined.csv=gen_build_predetermined.chained.base_short.csv gen_build_costs.csv=gen_build_costs.chained.base_short.csv transmission_lines.csv=transmission_lines.chained.base_short.csv
switch solve --inputs-dir 26-zone/in/2035/base_short --outputs-dir 26-zone/out/2035/base_short  --include-module mip_modules.prepare_next_stage --input-aliases gen_build_predetermined.csv=gen_build_predetermined.chained.base_short.csv gen_build_costs.csv=gen_build_costs.chained.base_short.csv transmission_lines.csv=transmission_lines.chained.base_short.csv
switch solve --inputs-dir 26-zone/in/2040/base_short --outputs-dir 26-zone/out/2040/base_short  --include-module mip_modules.prepare_next_stage --input-aliases gen_build_predetermined.csv=gen_build_predetermined.chained.base_short.csv gen_build_costs.csv=gen_build_costs.chained.base_short.csv transmission_lines.csv=transmission_lines.chained.base_short.csv
switch solve --inputs-dir 26-zone/in/2045/base_short --outputs-dir 26-zone/out/2045/base_short  --include-module mip_modules.prepare_next_stage --input-aliases gen_build_predetermined.csv=gen_build_predetermined.chained.base_short.csv gen_build_costs.csv=gen_build_costs.chained.base_short.csv transmission_lines.csv=transmission_lines.chained.base_short.csv
switch solve --inputs-dir 26-zone/in/2050/base_short --outputs-dir 26-zone/out/2050/base_short  --input-aliases gen_build_predetermined.csv=gen_build_predetermined.chained.base_short.csv gen_build_costs.csv=gen_build_costs.chained.base_short.csv transmission_lines.csv=transmission_lines.chained.base_short.csv

To simplify solving myopic models, creates scenario definition files in the switch/26-zone/in directory, with names like scenarios_<case_name>.txt. The switch solve-scenarios command can use these to solve all the steps in sequence. (Each one contains the command line flags needed for each stage of the model, and swtich solve-scenarios solves each one in turn.) So you can solve the reference case (base_52_week) with this command:

cd switch
switch solve-scenarios --scenario-list 26-zone/in/scenarios_base_52_foresight.txt

The command also creates scenario definition files for some alternative cases that share the same inputs directory as the standard cases, but use alternative versions of some input files (currently only the carbon price file). The definitions for these can also be found in 26-zone/in/, and they can be solved the same way as the standard cases, e.g., switch solve-scenarios --scenario-list 26-zone/in/scenarios_base_52_week_co2_50.txt. You can also look inside these to see the extra flags used setup these cases.

To run all the cases for the MIP study, you can use the following commands:

cd switch

# myopic cases
switch solve-scenarios --scenario-list 26-zone/in/scenarios_base_20_week.txt
switch solve-scenarios --scenario-list 26-zone/in/scenarios_base_52_week.txt
switch solve-scenarios --scenario-list 26-zone/in/scenarios_base_52_week_co2_50.txt
switch solve-scenarios --scenario-list 26-zone/in/scenarios_base_52_week_co2_1000.txt
switch solve-scenarios --scenario-list 26-zone/in/scenarios_base_52_week_commit.txt
switch solve-scenarios --scenario-list 26-zone/in/scenarios_base_52_week_no_ccs.txt
switch solve-scenarios --scenario-list 26-zone/in/scenarios_base_52_week_retire.txt
switch solve-scenarios --scenario-list 26-zone/in/scenarios_base_52_week_tx_0.txt
switch solve-scenarios --scenario-list 26-zone/in/scenarios_base_52_week_tx_15.txt
switch solve-scenarios --scenario-list 26-zone/in/scenarios_base_52_week_tx_50.txt
switch solve-scenarios --scenario-list 26-zone/in/scenarios_current_policies_20_week.txt
switch solve-scenarios --scenario-list 26-zone/in/scenarios_current_policies_52_week.txt
switch solve-scenarios --scenario-list 26-zone/in/scenarios_current_policies_52_week_commit.txt
switch solve-scenarios --scenario-list 26-zone/in/scenarios_current_policies_52_week_retire.txt

# foresight cases
switch solve-scenarios --scenario-list 26-zone/in/scenarios_base_20_week_foresight.txt
switch solve-scenarios --scenario-list 26-zone/in/scenarios_current_policies_20_week_foresight.txt

Note: If you ever need to manually create next-stage inputs from a previous stage's outputs, you can run a command like this:

cd switch
# prepare 2035 inputs from 2030 model (specify 2030 inputs and outputs directories)
python -m mip_modules.prepare_next_stage 26-zone/in/2030/base_short 26-zone/out/2030/base_short
# or:
python mip_modules/ 26-zone/in/2030/base_short 26-zone/out/2030/base_short

Prepare result summaries for comparison

After solving the models, run these commands to prepare standardized results and copy them to the MIP_results_comparison sub-repository.

cd MIP_results_comparison
git pull
cd ../switch
cd ../MIP_results_comparison
git add .
git commit -m 'new Switch results'
git push

TODO: maybe move all of this into a switch module so it runs automatically when each case finishes


To update this repository and all the submodules (PowerGenome and MIP_results_comparison), use

git pull --recurse-submodules

To update a submodule, cd into the relevant directory and run git pull. Then run git add <submodule_dir> and git commit in the main Switch-USA-PG directory to save the updated submodules in the Switch-USA-PG repository. This will save pointers in Switch-USA-PG showing which commit we are using in each submodule.


Switch-USA model built using PowerGenome data pipeline






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