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Web and server application for AI Planning competitions.


  • Server running recent Ubuntu operating system (Should work in other main distributions but this has not been tested)
  • Ruby version 1.9.3 or above but below version 2.0 (Install using rvm: ``rvm install 1.9.3'')
  • Postgresql + dev package installed (Install with: sudo apt-get install postgresql; sudo apt-get install libpq-dev)
  • Redis-server installed and running on default port (Install with apt-get: ``sudo apt-get install redis-server'')
  • Javascript runtime environment (Install nodejs with apt-get: ``sudo apt-get install nodejs'')

Steps for setting up database:

  1. Install postgresql and dev package:

     sudo apt-get install postgresql
     sudo apt-get install libpq-dev
  2. Switch to postgres user:

     sudo su -
     su - postgres
  3. Create postgresql user for planductor - use the userid that will run planductor-web:

     createuser sebastian
     Shall the new role be a superuser? (y/n) y
  4. Switch back to normal user and create planductor development and test databases:

     psql -d postgres
     psql (9.1.13)
     Type "help" for help.
     postgres=# CREATE DATABASE planductor_development
     postgres-# ;
     postgres=# CREATE DATABASE planductor_test
     postgres-# ;
     postgres=# \q
  5. In planductor-web directory, modify config/database.yml and change "sebastian" to your user id.

Steps for setting up Planductor-web:

  1. To set up the web interface, open a terminal session and navigate to planductor-web source directory. Run the bundle command to install all the Rails dependencies:

     bundle install

    This will install all the dependencies referenced in the Gemfile.

  2. Next, migrate the database with this command:

     rake db:migrate

    This will create all the tables and constraints defined in the db/schema.rb file. There may be an error message complaining about a lack of javascript runtime environment. If so, install nodejs through apt-get and retry.

  3. Prepare the test database with this command:

     rake db:test:prepare
  4. Run the tests to confirm everything is in working order:

  5. If all the tests pass then the environment is good. Firstly, we need to start the resque workers, which do background processing for domain and planner uploads:

     QUEUE=* rake resque:work &
  6. To start Planductor-web run this command:

     rails server

    This sets up the web server on port 3000.

Steps for setting up Planductor-server:

  1. Open a new terminal session and navigate to the planductor-web directory again. Create a self-signed certificate for the SSL server. Run this command:

     openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -days 365 -nodes -x509 -keyout config/server.key -out config/server.crt
  2. To start the server daemon, run this command:

     rake daemon:planductor:start
  3. Confirm daemon is running:

     rake daemon:planductor:status


Web application for rolling planning competitions






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