This project is archived in favor of
Konveyor is a processor which realizes the conveyor belt software design pattern in a kotlin DSL-like style.
The purpose of this pattern is designing of applications with complex but elastic logics. The elasticity of the pattern allows easily add/remove functionality without redesigning of entire application.
The central structure of the conveyor belt pattern is a Context containing all states of the workflow process. Suppose we have to handle a user request. Then, our Context must include the following entities.
data class MyContext(
* User query in a form it came to us
var rawQuery: UserQuery = UserQuery.EMPTY,
* Result of validation, normalization and enrichement with default values
var validatedQuery: UserQuery = UserQuery(),
* A query to tha database to be performed
var dbQuery: DatabaseQuery = DatabaseQuery.EMPTY,
* The result to be sent back to the requester
var dbResult: QueryResult = QueryResult()
Than, the workflow of the request handling is described with a Processor class and a set of Handlers.
val processor = MyProcessor(
object: IHandler {
override fun exec(context: MyContext) = with(context) {
validatedQuery.field = makeValidationOnField(rawQuery.field)
val context = MyContext(rawQuery = aQueryFromUser)
val result = context.result
You can notice that management of the workflow with such conveyor is as easy as adding/removing handlers.
First of all, you need to configure your conveyor instance.
val conv = conveyor<MyContext> {
timeout { Duration.ofMillis(200) }
// A simple handler
exec { // this: MyContext ->
timeStart =
// Detailed description of the handler
handle {
timeout { Duration.ofMillis(10) }
on { // this: MyContext ->
mode == MyContextMode.PROPER
exec { registerQuery() }
// A nested conveyor for grouping purposes
konveyor { // Standard logics: perform all where match = true
timeout { Duration.ofMilliseconds(150) }
exec { someProp = someFun() }
handle {
on { isOk() }
exec { someFun() }
// A nested conveyor with change of context
subKonveyor<MySubContext> {
// Splitter to create a sequence of nested context objects
split {
// Normal handlers over nested context objects
exec { someProp = someFun() }
handle {
on { isOk() }
exec { someFun() }
// Joiner to join the series of nested context objects into main context
join { it: MySubContext ->
this.myContextResult += it.someValue
// Perform only first handler with match = true
// Under discussion
processFirst {
timeout { Duration.ofMilliseconds(150) }
handle {
on { isSomething() }
exec { someFun() }
handle {
on { isOk() }
exec { someFun() }
// Perform all handlers with match = true in parallel
// Under discussion
processParallel {
timeout { Duration.ofMilliseconds(150) }
repeatWhile { someCondition() } // Repeat starting all handlers while `someCondition()` is true
handle {
on { isSomething() }
exec { someFun() }
handle {
on { isOk() }
exec { someFun() }
// Some custom processor
processFiles {
readBy = ReadBy.STREAM
setPackage { // this: MyContext ->
filePath = this.packageName, // "my/path/"
fileMask = "*.xml"
handleFile { /* this: MyContext*/ file: FileHandlerData ->
this.inputStream = file.inputStream
this.fileName = file.fileName
exec { someFun() }
handleFile { /* this: MyContext */ file: FileHandlerData ->
this.inputStream = file.inputStream
this.fileName = file.fileName
exec { // this: MyContext ->
timeStop =
Having that configured, you just process all data like following;
val context = MyContext(rawQuery = aQueryFromUser)
val result = context.result
The libraries are published to kotlinx bintray repository, linked to JCenter and pushed to Maven Central.
Add dependencies (you can also add other modules that you need):
Add dependencies (you can also add other modules that you need):
dependencies {
compile 'codes.spectrum:konveyor:0.1.11'
Make sure that you have jcenter() in the list of repositories:
repository {
Add dependencies (you can also add other modules that you need):
dependencies {
Konveyor is provided under Apache License version 2.0. See LICENSE.txt for more details.