pywurfl is a Python language package that makes dealing with the WURFL in Python a little easier. It contains tools that allow you to retrieve objects that represent devices defined in the WURFL or manipulate the WURFL device hierarchy by using a simple set of API functions or a pywurfl specific query language. Also included within the package is a WURFL processor class that provides an event based API that can be used to alleviate some of the work when processing the WURFL sequentially.
pip install git+
####Requires Python >= 2.6
Levenshtein Module >= 0.10.1 is required for the user agent similarity algorithms.
pyparsing >= 1.5 is required if you want to use the pywurfl query language.
The pywurfl package contains a script that translates a WURFL compatible XML file into a python class hierarchy that the pywurfl API can use directly. The default name for the output file is Type the following at the command line to produce it:
python wurfl.xml
###A quick usage example After you have created the module, you can use the following code to get a device object based on a user agent and print it to stdout.
from wurfl import devices
from pywurfl.algorithms import TwoStepAnalysis
user_agent = u"Nokia3350/1.0 (05.01)"
search_algorithm = TwoStepAnalysis(devices)
device = devices.select_ua(user_agent, search=search_algorithm)
#Print out the specialized capabilities for this device.
print device
###Patching In order to patch your wurfl.xml file, use the WURFL XSLT Tools. Then run wurfl2python on the patched file.
pywurfl is Copyright 2004-2010, Armand Lynch (lyncha at users dot sourceforge dot net) The code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the LGPL License (see the file LICENSE included with the distribution).