This is a beamer template with Sussex and DUNE logo.
To install this, you can either:
- Copy all the .sty and .png file next to your presentations (ugly)
- Copy all the .sty and .png file in your latex directory, and you will get the theme available for all your Beamer presentations.
The way to do that:
- Figure out where your TeX home directory is:
TXHOME=$(kpsewhich -var-value=TEXMFHOME)
- Create the following folders in the TeX home directory:
mkdir -p ${TXHOME}/tex/latex/sussex
- Copy all the .sty and .png file in there.
If that doesn't work... I don't know, you're on your own, goodluck.
The only thing you need to do is:
before the \begin{document}
, to get the DUNE, NOvA or no logo, respectively.
There is an example in example
You can contribute if you want, probably the best would be to create a branch and commit your modifications on there before we include them in the main branch.