This is a plugin intended for saving time typing or copy and pasting from other sources. Right now is more like a snippet plugin.
I created this plugin to help me avoiding coping and pastig from other files. I tried to use the plugin of nvimdev but didn't work as i still use a vimscript init file.
As such, i'm triyng to implement the same features from his plugin
For using this plugin install with a plugin manager
For using this plugin you need to set up some variables in your .vimrc/vim.init
let g:template_dir
: for specifing the directory where you store your templates
let g:author
for the author name substitution in the templates
let g:email
for inserting your designated email in your template
You define this substitutions in your template as the following
(not implemented yet){{_cursor_}}
(not implemented yet)
You could also add custom substitutions in the source file as this is defined as a dictionary.
And for inserting your formated template use the command:
:Template (name of the template file) (name of the file)
The primary use i will give this plugin is for rapidly creating templates(duh)
for C++ and
my g:template_dir
is set as ~/Templates
(it scans dirs recursively!)
located at ~/Templates/TeX/Tikz/tikz_mindmap.tex
\author{ {{_author_}} }
\geometry{landscape, margin=1cm}
\begin{tikzpicture}[small mindmap, grow cyclic,every node/.style=concept, concept color=red!80, text=black!90,
level 1/.append style={level distance=4cm,sibling angle=90},
level 2/.append style={level distance=3cm,sibling angle=45},
level 3/.append style={level distance=2cm,sibling angle=45}]
\node{ {{_file_name_}} }
child[concept color=purple!60] { node { {{_cursor_}} } }
The resulting of the command: :Template tikz_mindmap.tex foo
\author{ supercentinel }
\geometry{landscape, margin=1cm}
\begin{tikzpicture}[small mindmap, grow cyclic,every node/.style=concept, concept color=red!80, text=black!90,
level 1/.append style={level distance=4cm,sibling angle=90},
level 2/.append style={level distance=3cm,sibling angle=45},
level 3/.append style={level distance=2cm,sibling angle=45}]
\node{ foo }
child[concept color=purple!60] { node { {{_cursor_}} } }
Generic template for a class file located at ~/Templates/C++/class.hpp
//{{_author_}} {{_email_}} {{_date_}}
#ifndef {{_upper_file_}}_HPP
#define {{_upper_file_}}_HPP
class {{_file_name_}} {
#endif // {{_upper_file_}}_HPP
The resulting of the command: :Template class.hpp foo
//supercentinel [email protected] 2019-01-01
#ifndef FOO_HPP
#define FOO_HPP
class foo {
#endif // FOO_HPP
- implement the cursor function
- implement the date function