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Adds a navigation interface to electron that allows you to browse the internet or view local html files with tabs and webviews.


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Adds a navigation interface to electron that allows you to browse the internet or view local html files with tabs and webviews.


npm install electron-navigation

Confused? Go through the Setup for a full guide.
Know what you are doing? Skip to the Usage section.


This works with electron, so let's get a basic electron app going.

  1. Create a folder; we'll call this one demo. In that folder create these three files.

  2. Let's populate these files with some basic code.


      "name": "demo",
      "version": "1.0.0",
      "description": "",
      "main": "index.js",
      "scripts": {
        "test": "electron ."
      "author": "",
      "license": "ISC"


    const {
    } = require('electron');
    let win;
    app.on('ready', () => {
        win = new BrowserWindow({
            width: 800,
            height: 600
        win.loadURL('file://' + __dirname + '/index.html');
        win.on('closed', () => {
            win = null;


    <!DOCTYPE html>
    		test demo
  3. Time to test if it works. Open up your command prompt (windows) and type these commands hitting enter after each one. Make sure you have Node.js installed which can be found here.

    cd "C:\location\of\your\folder\demo"
    npm install electron-navigation --save
    npm test

  4. From here on out if you leave your command prompt window open to the demo directory, you can run your app by typing.

    npm test


  1. In your main ~.html file you need to create 3 containers where the controls, tabs, and views will be auto placed into. The demo uses index.html as it's main file.


    <!-- your code here -->
    <div id="nav-body-ctrls"></div>
    <div id="nav-body-tabs"></div>
    <div id="nav-body-views"></div>


    • The IDs are important. Make sure they are spelled correctly.
    • If you don't want your users to control the pages you can get rid of the controls container. The ID for that is nav-body-ctrls .
    • The order or location of these divs doesn't matter, and they also don't have to be div elements. For example: <main id="nav-body-views"></main>.
  2. Now we need to apply the module by adding a script tag to the ~.html file so that it can add the tabs and controls to the containers we just created above.


    <!-- your code here -->
    <div id="nav-body-ctrls"></div>
    <div id="nav-body-tabs"></div>
    <div id="nav-body-views"></div>
        var someNameHere = require('electron-navigation');
        var anotherName = new someNameHere();
  3. Now that we have this, let's give it a quick run. If you've been following the setup guide, it would be like this.

    npm test

This should be all you need to get the basic functionality working. Confused? Check out the demos on github, also located in your project's node-modules folder.


You can apply themes by downloading the ones on github and putting them in your <head> tag.


	<!-- your code here -->
	<link rel="stylesheet" href="relative/location/of/theme.css">
  • Themes also located in YourApp\node-modules\electron-navigation\themes\.

The themes folder also has a template theming file that you can use to style the tabs and controls exactly how you wish.


/* back button, grouped in: .nav-icons */

#nav-ctrls-back {
    /* fill:#000; width:24px; height:24px; */

/* back button with no history, grouped in: .nav-icons.disabled */

#nav-ctrls-back.disabled {
    /* pointer-events:none;	opacity:0.5; */


You can control how and if some elements are displayed by passing an options object through the main electron-navigation object.

{ showBackButton : boolean }

Shows/Hides the back button in #nav-body-ctrls. Defaults to true.

{ showForwardButton : boolean }

Shows/Hides the forward button in #nav-body-ctrls. Defaults to true.

{ showReloadButton : boolean }

Shows/Hides the reload button in #nav-body-ctrls. Defaults to true.

{ showUrlBar : boolean }

Shows/Hides the url input in #nav-body-ctrls. Defaults to true.

{ showAddTabButton : boolean }

Shows/Hides the add button in #nav-body-tabs. Defaults to true.

{ closableTabs : boolean }

Shows/Hides the close button on tabs in .nav-tabs-tab. Defaults to true.

{ verticalTabs : boolean }

Changes the direction tabs are stacked in #nav-body-tabs. Defaults to false.

// example of all options and their default values if omitted.
options = {
	showBackButton: true,
    showForwardButton: true,
    showReloadButton: true,
    showUrlBar: true,
    showAddTabButton: true,
    closableTabs: true,
    verticalTabs: false

Example: index.html

    var eNavigation = require('electron-navgation');

    // the order doesn't matter
    var nav = new eNavigation({
        showAddTabButton: false,
        showUrlBar: true,
        showReloadButton: false


You can control the views and tabs using the object variable you created.

.newTab ( url , { options } )

url [required] - specifies the location of the webview. Will auto add an HTTP protocol if a domain is specified. Otherwise it will perform a google search.

"" // ""
"" // ""
"hello there" // ""

{ options } [optional] - allows you to control the tab appearance.

{ id : string } - creates an id for this tab's view so you can control it later. Logs an error if the id is already taken or invalid. Defaults to null.

{ icon : string } - changes the favicon. Defaults to "clean".

icon: "default" // uses the regular favicon.
icon: "clean" // uses a constant globe icon that is colored based on the default favicon.
icon: "custom.png" // uses an icon you provide. Full or relative paths and other extensions are allowed.

{ title : string } - changes the title of the tab. Defaults to "default".

title: "default" // uses the title specified by the <title> tag.
title: "custom title" // uses whatever title you type.

{ close : boolean } - shows/hides the close button. Defaults to true.

// example of all options and their default values if omitted.
var options = {
    id: null,           
    icon: "clean",      
    title: "default",   
    close: true         

.changeTab ( url , id )

url [required] - specifies the new location of the webview. Has the same auto features as newTab().

id [optional] - changes the source of the webview with the id specified in newTab(). If no id is given the active tab and view are affected. Will console.log an error if the id doesn't exist.

.closeTab ( id )

id [optional] - closes the tab and webview with the id specified in newTab(). If no id is given the active tab and view are affected. Will console.log an error if the id doesn't exist.

.back ( id )

id [optional] - goes back on the webview with the id specified in newTab(). If no id is given the active tab and view are affected. Will console.log an error if the id doesn't exist.

.forward ( id )

id [optional] - goes forward on the webview with the id specified in newTab(). If no id is given the active tab and view are affected. Will console.log an error if the id doesn't exist.

.reload ( id )

id [optional] - reloads the webview with the id specified in newTab(). If no id is given the active tab and view are affected. Will console.log an error if the id doesn't exist.

.stop ( id )

id [optional] - stops loading the webview with the id specified in newTab(). If no id is given the active tab and view are affected. Will console.log an error if the id doesn't exist.

Example: index.html

    var eNavigation = require('electron-navigation');
	var nav = new eNavigation({ showAddTabButton: false });
    nav.newTab('', { id: 'srch' } );
    //setTimeout() is just used to show the effect.
    setTimeout("nav.changeTab('cool wallpapers', 'srch')", 2000);    
    setTimeout("nav.back('srch')", 5000);
    // open a local file, and use a custom icon
    nav.newTab('file:///' + __dirname + '/demo-file.html', { 
    	icon: 'demo-icon.png',
    	title: 'Local file'            

    // create an unclosable tab that you can reference later with the id.
    nav.newTab('', {
    	title: 'Watch Videos',
    	icon: 'default',
    	close: false,
    	id: 'watchStuff'
    setTimeout('nav.changeTab( "" , "watchStuff" );', 5000);

Requests | Issues | Clone

Looking to add functionality to this project, report a bug, or just have a question? Submit a request, or clone the project and do it yourself.

git clone


  • 1.2.1
    • FIX - changed the description to include local files.
    • FIX - url input now changes on tab click.
  • 1.2.0
    • ADD - the newTab() function now has an options object as its second parameter to control the icon, title, close button, and add an id.
    • CHANGE - the second parameter id in newTab() is now included in an options object.
    • FIX - updated the and demo-light.html files to show more examples.
  • 1.1.1
    • FIX - updated the with extra info, rearrangements, and formatting.
  • 1.1.0
    • FIX - url bar will know not update while you are trying to type something new.
    • ADD - methods back(), forward(), reload(), and stop().
    • ADD - optional id parameter to the above methods for selecting which view to take action on.
    • CHANGE - optional id paramter to changeTab() for selecting which view to take action on.
    • CHANGE - optional id parameter to newTab() for setting apart tabs, and controlling it later.
    • ADD - option to remove the close button on tabs called closableTabs.
    • ADD - method closeTab() with optional id parameter for selecting which tab to take action on.
  • 1.0.5
    • ADD - vertical demo as displayed in the previews.
  • 1.0.4
    • CHANGE - updated demo files for developers, and added more to the
  • 1.0.3
    • CHANGE - updated with a tutorial on how to use the module.
  • 1.0.2
    • FIX - npm test command for demo.
  • 1.0.1
    • CHANGE - file names and folder structure.
  • 1.0.0
    • ADD - initial release.


Jeremy England - [email protected]

Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.


Adds a navigation interface to electron that allows you to browse the internet or view local html files with tabs and webviews.







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