Please install the required packages via:
pip install -r requirements.txt
This code uses the MNIST dataset on .csv file, and './FL_implementation/' code is used to split the MNIST dataset in i.i.d distribution adjusting the number of clients, or in two separate datasets: having only odd and even number labels.
- MNIST training dataset is missing because of big data file. You can download csv MNIST file from and save as './FL_implementation/Distributed_FL/dataset/mnist/mnist_train.csv' at '/Distributed_FL' and '/P2P_FL'.
There are two types of Federated Learning scenarios in this code:
(1) Distributed_FL
- Distributed_FL scenario is a conventional horizontal FL scenario with multiple clients communicating with a server.
- The initial global model is saved as './FL_implementation/Distributed_FL/global_models/'. This file is necessary for running the code.
- The clients uses '', '', '', '' code files and directories in './FL_implementation/Distributed_FL.
- The server uses '', '', '', '' code files and directories in './FL_implementation/Distributed_FL.
- Handling multiple clients is done through select(), and threading.
(2) P2P_FL
- P2P_FL scenario is a FL scenario with peer-to-peer structure, without having a server. This code is implemented with 2-peer P2P structure.
- There is no initial model to be saved for P2P_FL. The initial model for each peer is created after training on local datasets.
- Peer 1 acts as a server, and peer 2 acts as a client in socket connection, but the role in Federated Learning is the same.
- Peer 1 uses '', '', '', './dataset', './peer1', './results' in './FL_implementation/P2P_FL.
- Peer 2 uses '', '', '', './dataset', './peer2', './results' in './FL_implementation/P2P_FL.