Tetris !-!-! 😂😂😂
"Tetris" — "tetra" plus "tennis" It all began with a puzzle-loving software engineer named Alexey Pajitnov, who created "Tetris" in 1984 while working for the Dorodnitsyn Computing Centre of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, a research and development center in Moscow created by the government.
Table Of Content
Check out the working game -> https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sumit.tetris
The game has sounds, wear your 🎧 or turn on your 🔊 for a better experience.
Why Not??? I was trying to learn Flutter and I was thinking to build some Amu Bachu Chimpal app. But then I saw Tetris built in Angular, And I decided to convert the Same UI & Business Logic in Flutter. And here it is.
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Command | Description |
flutter pub get |
Install project dependencies |
flutter run |
Run the project on emulator |
flutter packages pub run build_runner build |
Code generator for MobX that adds support for annotating your code with @observable, @computed, @action and also creating Store classes. |
- A young and passionate front-end engineer. Working with MEAN Stack + Flutter + Graphql. Like reading, programming & biking.
- Personal blog: https://medium.com/@sumitvekariya7/
- Say hello: sumitvekariya7 [et] gmail [dot] com
The below table listed all of the awesome resources that I have referenced to
Command | Description |
Angular Tetris | Tetris made in Angular from which I got inspired to create Teris in Flutter |
Generate Digital Digit | To genrate Digital digits in Flutter |
State Management | Supercharge the state-management in your Dart apps with Transparent |
Sound | How to build a simple game in the browser with Phaser 3 and TypeScript |
I am having some ideas to start building some of my favorite games (and easy to build 🤣). It could be
If you would like to collaborate, tag @sarkazein7 on Twitter 👏👏👏
If you have any ideas, just open an issue and tell me what you think. Notes that it is a very simple game, you could add in a lot of stuff: introducing level, add more invaders and stuff like that.
If you'd like to contribute, please fork the repository and make changes as you'd like. Pull requests are warmly welcome.
Feel free to use my code on your project. It would be great if you put a reference to this repository.