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Alex Karasulu edited this page Jan 2, 2017 · 3 revisions

NOTE This section is in progress.

  • Start with a system that has libvirt-bin, QEMU, and virt-manager setup on it.
  • Install the ubuntu snappy image (link to page) uncompressed into /var/lib/libvirt/images. You can use this disk image in a simple template VM to boot directly into snappy. I create the peer's primary disk, attach it to this VM as a second disk, and dd the first disk to the second using dd if=/dev/vda of=/dev/vdb bs=32M; sync. I then detach the disk and reuse it in the final VM as the peer's primary disk.
  • Create the peer VM as a new virtual machine with 2 disks. The first disk will be the clone of the snappy image from the step above. The second disk should be the btrfs disk with significantly more capacity. Then I start up the VM and check that the disks are there.
  • WARNING Used macvlan to bridge to main network device and there's no route from the local computer to the VM. I'm sure this can be easily fixed. See here:
  • On Snappy there seems to be no wget but I can snappy install curl.
  • Curl down the latest subutai snap (/apps/curl.tetor/current/bin/curl -O and install it.
  • Build the btrfs filesystem using the second disk (/dev/vdb) and disable automatic updates in snappy as referenced and install the management server.
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