Modified version of uWebSockets v0.14
This is modified version of the uWebSockets v0.14 with some minor tweaks in C++ code and complete rewrite of JS code to TypeScript. Original software is available in uWebSockets v0.14 repository.
This repository is based on the uWebSockets v0.14 therefore has two licence ClusterWS MIT and Alex Hultman ZLIB.
Big thanks to SirAnthony for ssl workaround (has been taken from SirAnthony's uWebSockets fork).
All breaking changes from released version will be included in
Consider to support development:
npm i @clusterws/cws
To find about what types and parameters are accepted please check index.d.ts file.
const { WebSocketServer } = require('@clusterws/cws');
const server = new WebSocketServer({
* Available server configurations
* path?: string,
* port?: number,
* host?: string;
* server?: HTTP.Server | HTTPS.Server,
* noDelay?: boolean,
* maxPayload?: number,
* perMessageDeflate?: {
* serverNoContextTakeover: boolean
* };
* verifyClient?: (info: ConnectionInfo, next: Listener) => void
* For more types check dist/index.d.ts file
* To accept WebSocket connections use on('connection') listener
* socket: WebSocket client
* upgReq: upgrade request
server.on('connection', (socket, upgReq) => {
/** get remoteAddress info */
let address = socket._socket;
* on 'message' will be called when this client sends new message
* msg: string | binary
socket.on('message', (msg) => { });
* on 'close' will be called when connections is closed
* code?: number,
* reason?: string
socket.on('close', (code, reason) => { });
* on 'error' will be called websocket connection has some problems
* err: Error
socket.on('error', (err) => { });
* on 'pong' will be called when client response with pong to the server's ping message
socket.on('pong', () => { });
* on 'ping' will only be called on clint side when ping is received
socket.on('ping', () => { });
* 'send' method is used to send messages to the client / server
* message: string | binary
* options?: { binary?: boolean, compress?: boolean }
* cb?: function
* message type is detected automatically except
* if you force string type with `{ binary: false }`
socket.send(message, options, cb);
* 'ping' method is to to manually send ping to the client
* 'terminate' method is to force close connection (usually to remove dead sockets)
* 'close' method is to close connection in clean / correct way
* code: number (close code)
* reason: string (the reason to close this socket)
socket.close(code, reason);
* 'startAutoPing' will enable auto ping for all connected clients
* without any need for custom ping implementation
* interval: number
* appLevelPing: boolean (default false)
* `interval` specifies how often ping should be send
* usually it should be around 20000 ms (20s)
* `appLevelPing` if true will enable ping in application level usually used for clients like
* browsers which do not expose `onping` and `onping` listeners and you need to track if server connection
* is still active, to make it work correctly you required to implement custom handle in you client side
* check `Handle AppLevelPing In Browser Example` at the end of readme for more information
server.startAutoPing(interval, appLevelPing);
* `broadcast` method will send your message to all connected clients
* message: string | binary,
* options?: { binary: true | false }
server.broadcast(message, options);
/** will close websocket server and call callback function after everything is done */
* on error listener will be called when there is some issue with server creation or
* upgrading socket connection properly
server.on('error', (err, socket) => { })
Websocket client pretty much has the same things as socket
parameter passed in the server (above section) on new connection,
below docs will cover mostly things which were not covered in above section.
const { WebSocket } = require('@clusterws/cws');
/** this will connect to specify url */
const socket = new WebSocket('ws://url:port');
/** for more information about this listeners and functions check above section
* as client and server have similar signatures
socket.on('open', () => { })
socket.on('message', (msg) => { });
socket.on('error', (err) => { });
socket.on('close', (code, reason) => { });
socket.on('ping', () => { });
socket.on('pong', () => { });;
socket.close(code, reason);
* also websocket client support browser websocket signature
* Note that there is no onping and onpong as browsers dont expose this
* functions to the users.
* to use onping and onpong use:
* socket.on('pong', () => { });
* socket.on('ping', () => { });
socket.onopen = () => {};
socket.onmessage = (msg) => {};
socket.onerror = (error) => {};
socket.onclose = (code, reason) => {};
CWS uses custom lightweight version of EventEmitter which may not be suitable for everyone, to replace event emitter you can use global cws configuration:
// replace cws EventEmitter with Node.js default one
global.cws = {
EventEmitter: require('events').EventEmitter
// It is important to import cws after!
const { WebSocket } = require('@clusterws/cws');
This is just an example of handling app level ping
, pong
from the client side which does not have onping
and onpong
listeners available
such as browsers.
Note if your clients have onping
and onpong
listeners (or similar) do not send appLevelPing
ping from the server.
const PING = 57;
const PONG = new Uint8Array(['A'.charCodeAt()]);
socket.binaryType = 'arraybuffer' // Do not forget to set to `arraybuffer`
socket.onmessage = function (message) {
// check if message is not string
if (typeof !== 'string') {
// transform it to Unit Array
let buffer = new Uint8Array(;
// Check if it is actually ping from the server
if ( buffer.length === 1 && buffer[0] === PING) {
// you can also emit that ping has been received to you client :)
// if it is then send back to the server pong response
return socket.send(PONG);
// process with your logic