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Ryan Heaton edited this page Sep 28, 2017 · 2 revisions

IDL Module

The IDL module generates the consolidated WSDLs, WADL and XML schemas for the API.


The configuration for the IDL deployment module is specified by the idl child element of the modules element of the enunciate configuration file. It supports the following attributes:

attribute description
wadlStylesheetUri The "wadlStylesheetUri" attribute specifies a stylesheet used for the WADL.
disableWadl Whether to disable wadl generation.
linkJsonToXml Whether to link JSON media types to their XML data types. (As of Enunciate 2.10.)


The idl element supports the following child elements:


The idl element supports an arbitrary number of schema child elements that are used to configure the schema for a specified namespace. It supports the following attributes:

attribute description
namespace The "namespace" attribute specifies the namespace of the schema that is to be configured.
useFile The "useFile" attribute specifies the (already existing) file to use for this schema.
file The "file" attribute specifies name of the schema file. The default is the prefix appended with ".xsd".
location The "location" attribute specifies name of the schema location (i.e. how the schema is to be located by other schemas). The default is the name of the file.
jaxbBindingVersion The "jaxbBindingVersion" attribute specifies the JAXB binding version for this schema. (Advanced, usually not needed.)

The "schema" element also supports a nested subelement, appinfo whose contents will be inlined into the schema appinfo annotation.


The idl element supports an arbitrary number of wsdl child elements that are used to configure the wsdl for a specified namespace. It supports the following attributes:

attribute description
namespace The "namespace" attribute specifies the namespace of the wsdl that is to be configured.
useFile The "useFile" attribute specifies the (already existing) file to use for this schema.
file The "file" attribute specifies name of the wsdl file. The default is the prefix appended with ".wsdl".


Facet configuration for the module. See Facets.

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