A small working example based on the following tutorial:
It was setup to play with docker and salt in a virtual machine (Virtualbox) provided by Vagrant. The virtual machine is a masterless minion.
To start the apache docker-image inside the ubuntu-vm virtual machine:
sudo apt-get install vagrant # this will work on debian-based linux-distros
vagrant up
vagrant ssh ubuntu-vm -c 'sudo salt-call --local state.highstate'
In your favorite browser open the following url:
and you should see the apache default page.
yourhost% vagrant status # to check the status on your virtual machine
yourhost% vagrant ssh # you can log into the ubuntu-vm with
vagrant@ubuntu-vm:~$ sudo docker images # to list the docker images in the virtual machine
vagrant@ubuntu-vm:~$ sudo docker ps # to list the running docker images
vagrant@ubuntu-vm:~$ exit # exit out of the virtual machine
yourhost% vagrant halt # to stop the virtual machine
yourhost% vagrant destroy # to delete the virtual machine