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Development, Staging, Production

brianloveswords edited this page Jun 18, 2012 · 20 revisions

Note: this is an ideal world that assumes we have people who will be able to QA every release. This also assumes a release model (though it assumes nothing about the schedule) rather than continuous deployment.

Also note: Broken code should never hit development, staging, or production. These three branches should be under CI and the CI system should shame whoever breaks the build.

Always fork the project

  • Fork the project and work in your own repository. Don't work directly on the master repository, even if you have full administration/push rights.

Lifespan of a feature

  • Start with an issue: Awesome Feature X
  • Create a feature branch: 999-awesome-feature-x. It's good practice to declare the ticket number at the start of the branch name, but the most important thing is that the branch name easily lets others identify which ticket/issue it relates to.
    • If an issue feels like it's going to take longer than a week, consider breaking it into smaller issues. If that's not possible, rebase from upstream development regularly (at least daily).
  • Do the work
  • Send a pull-request against the development branch.
  • Someone else code-reviews and merges your branch.

Development → Staging → Production

  • When it's time to deploy to production, merge to staging, development staging
  • Deploy staging to staging environment, give QA some time to do things.
  • As bugs are filed, create new issues and pull against development, then merge to staging.
  • Once you get signoff from QA, merge staging production.
    • At this point, development, staging, and production should all point to the same commit.
  • Create a new annotated tag (using date as version?) and deploy.
    • github will automatically create a tarball out of tags, so that can be used for deploys.

Updating the development, staging and production servers

  • You can check the current revision of a deploy by going to media/revision_info.txt on the server (e.g.,
  • Updates to the development branch are automatically applied to the development server ( through a cron job. Updates can take between 5 and 30 minutes to show up.
  • Updates to the staging server must be requested from WebOps. File a bugzilla issue, using the "Server operations: Web operations" category, with a request to have the staging branch for pushed to the staging server (
  • Updates to the production server must also be requested from WebOps. File a bugzilla issue, using the "Server operations: Web operations" category, with a request to have the production branch for pushed to the production server (
  • When filing a bug to update the server, make sure to fill out the "Additional Comments" section with information about the push. A short changelog would be a good thing.


  • When there's a problem on production, determine if it's serious enough that it needs to be fixed immediately. If it is, create an issue for it, i.e. "hotfix: the site doesn't work in IE"
  • Create a hotfix branch, hotfix-999-broken-in-ie. Write a new test case to prove the bug exists and prevent regressions if possible.
  • Submit pull request against production. Another developer should both code review & make sure the bug is actually fixed.
  • Once accepted, file a bug to get Ops to deploy the production branch to the staging server.
  • Make sure, again, that the bug is fixed.
  • When completely sure everything is fixed, file a bug to get Ops to deploy production to production.
  • Merge production development and create a new annotated tag.

Rolling back

  • Since we've been tagging all of the releases that hit production, it should be as easy as telling Ops to deploy a specific tag to production.