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Probeit: probes generator for pathogen detection and genotyping

Probeit is a software to generate probes which are for pathogen detection and genotyping. Probeit is open source GPL-licensed software implemented in python for Linux and MacOS.


Probeit is a probe set designer for pathogen detection and genotyping. Probeit provides 2 types of workflows: posnegset and snp.

  • posnegset: probe desinger for pathogen detection
  • snp: probe desinger for pathogen genotyping.


Get started

install Probeit with conda

conda install -c bioconda probeit

use posnegset workflow

  • It will generate a probe set with sequences included in the positive genome but not in the negative genome
  • It demands a positive genome(fasta) and a negative genome(fasta)
# to get sample files
# to run Probeit
probeit posnegset -p positive.fa -n negative.fa -o posnegset_output
# to compare result files 
diff posnegset_output/probe1.fa posnegset1.fa
diff posnegset_output/probe2.fa posnegset2.fa

to use snp workflow with amino acid SNPs

  • It will generate a probe set which detect input amino acid SNPs from strain genome.
  • It demands a reference genome(fasta), a strain genome(fasta), positions, SNPs and a reference annotation(gff).
# to get sample files
# to run Probeit
probeit snp  -r ref.fa -s str.fa  -p "10,11,19,20,21,22" -m "aa:orf1ab:L4715F,aa:S:Q52R,aa:S:E484K,aa:S:Q677H,aa:S:F888L,aa:E:L21F,aa:M:I82T"  -o snp_aa_output -a ref.gff
# to compare result files
diff snp_aa_output/probe1.fa snp_aa1.fa
diff snp_aa_output/probe2.fa snp_aa2.fa

to use snp workflow with nucleotide SNPs

  • It will generate a probe set which detect input necleotide SNPs from strain genome.
  • It demands a reference genome(fasta), a strain genome(fasta), positions and SNPs.
# to get sample files
# to run Probeit
probeit snp  -r ref.fa -s str.fa  -p "10,11,19,20,21,22" -m "nt:A21716G,nt:G23011A,nt:G23592C,nt:T24223C,nt:C26304T,nt:T26766C"  -o snp_nt_output
# to compare result files
diff snp_nt_output/probe1.fa snp_nt1.fa
diff snp_nt_output/probe2.fa snp_nt2.fa


Probeit produces two result files: sorted1.fa and sorted2.fa. Probeit desings two kinds of probes: probe1 and probe2. Probe1 is usually 40 nt long. Probe1 covers a pattern of certain pathogen or strain so it can be used as a ligation probe in cRASL-seq. Probe2 is usually 20nt long and covers Probe1. Usually, probe2 is not more than 200 nt away from probe1, but does not overlap with probe1. When used for cRASL-seq, probe2 is used as a capture probe.

  • sorted1.fa is a fasta fromat file and it contains probe1.
  • sorted2.fa is a fasta fromat file and it contains probe2.

result files of posnegset

Headers of sorted1.fa have two columns, One for names of probe1 and the other for coordinates of probe1.

col1 name of probe1. e.g. p1_0, p1_1 ...
col2 source of the k-mer. e.g. NC3000:10101:10141;NC4000:10197:10137

Headers of sorted2.fa have two columns. One for names of probe2 and the other for for names of probe1 covered by probe2.

col1 name of probe2 e.g. p2_0
col2 probe1 covered by probe2 e.g. p1_0;p1_1

result files of snp

Headers of sorted1.fa contains 2 information: SNP and position. Those two information are connected by ';'.

When Amino Acid SNPs are used.
When Nucleotide SNPs are used.

Headers of sorted2.fa contains a SNP covered by probe2.



For generating probes for detection Probeit posnegset is available. The posnegset workflow finds sequences that are included in the positive genome but not included in the negative genome.

Easy User's Guide

probeit posnegset -p positive_genome -n negative_genome -o output_dir [additional opts]

Required Options

-p/--positive FASTA file : Option for the genome which MUST be covered by the probes.
-n/--negative FASTA file: Option for the genome which MUST NOT to be covered by the probes.
-o/--output Dir: Option for the output directory. Because Probeit posnegset workflow makes a new directory with given name, you don't have to create a directory.


For genotyping Probeit snp is available. The snp workflow extracts sequences containing a snp from a strain genome.

Easy User's Guide

probeit snp  -r reference_genome -s strain_genome  -p podition_list -m snp_list  -o output_dir -a reference_annotation [additional opts]

Required Options

-r/--reference FASTA file: Option for the wildtype(reference) genome.
-s/--strain FASTA fileOption for the strain genome. format** as a parameter.
-p/--positions COMMA SEPARATED INT ARRAY: Option for The : position list. Positons in the position list indicate the positions of SNPs in the 1st Probes.
-m/--mutations COMMA SEPARATED SNP ARRAY: Option for SNP list of the strain. Both amino acid differences and nucleotide differences are allowed.
-o/--output DIR: Option for the output directory.Because Probeit snp workflow makes a new directory with given name, you don't have to create a directory.
-a/--annotation GFF file : Option for wild-type genome annotation. Only required when using amino acid differences in the -m option.

Installation from source


  • numpy
  • pandas
  • primer3-py
  • bedtools
  • mmseqs
  • seqkit
  • genmap
  • biopython

To get source code of Probeit

git clone

To initiate setcover

  • Setcover is a tool for minimizing probe sets.
  • You must compile setcover before using Probeit.
conda create -n probeit -c conda-forge -c anaconda -c bioconda pandas entrez-direct primer3-py bedtools  mmseqs2 seqkit genmap primer3 biopython -y -v
conda activate probeit
cd probeit