This utility resets an OPL2/3 chip (including stopping all playing notes).
Without an argument, it assumes 0x220 as the base address:
C:\> resetopl
No argument given, assuming base at 0x220
Resetting OPL3 at 0x220
You can override the base by providing it as an argument:
C:\> resetopl 0x240
Resetting OPL3 at 0x240
You can change the base by setting the DOS environment variable resetopl
C:\> set resetopl=0x388
C:\> resetopl
Resetting OPL3 at 0x388
The argument still overrides the base specified in the environment variable:
C:\> set resetopl=0x388
C:\> resetopl 0x240
Resetting OPL3 at 0x240
The utility detects if the OPL-chip is present and will abort if the chip is not detected:
C:\> resetopl 0x230
OPL not detected at 0x230
This tool is compiled with Turbo C 2.01.
Download a compiled version from "Releases".