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Spoleto.Delivery provides an abstraction layer for Delivery of goods in .NET applications, offering the flexibility to separate your delivery logic from the specific implementation of any underlying service provider. This package supports integration with a variety of Delivery providers, including CDEK, MasterPost.


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Spoleto.Delivery is a comprehensive solution designed to integrate delivery functionality into your .NET applications. This project provides a maintainable architecture that simplifies interaction with various delivery providers (e.g., Cdek, MasterPost).
This project supports .NET Standard 2.0, .NET 7, and .NET 8.


  • Abstraction Layer: Simplifies the integration of delivery services by providing a unified interface.
  • Multiple Providers: Supports various delivery providers, allowing you to switch or combine them easily.
  • Async Support: Fully supports asynchronous operations for improved performance.

Quick setup

Begin by installing the package through the NuGet package manager with the command:
Install-Package Spoleto.Delivery.


Main Interface

The main interface, IDeliveryService, serves as an abstraction layer for the delivery of goods.
It includes all the necessary methods for work with delivery providers, such as getting available tariffs, creating and deleting delivery orders, and others.


Each delivery provider must implement the IDeliveryProvider interface.

DeliveryProvider is the underlying mechanisms that enable the actual delivery functionality. When you incorporate Spoleto.Delivery into your application, it's mandatory to install at least one of the available delivery providers.

The providers come as pre-configured NuGet packages:


Here is a simple example to demonstrate how to use Spoleto.Delivery in your project:

using Spoleto.Delivery;
using Spoleto.Delivery.Providers;

public class Example
    public async Task Run()
        var deliveryService = new DeliveryServiceFactory()
                                .WithOptions(x => x.DefaultProvider == CdekProvider.ProviderName)
                                .AddProvider(new CdekProvider(cdekOptions))
                                .AddProvider(new MasterPostProvider(masterPostOptions))

        var cityRequest = new CityRequest
            Name = "Москва"
        var cities = await deliveryService.GetCitiesAsync(cityRequest);

        var tariffRequest = new TariffRequest
            FromLocation = new() { ProviderLocationCode = "270" },
            ToLocation = new() { ProviderLocationCode = "44" },
            Packages =
                    Weight = 4000,
                    Height = 10,
                    Width = 10,
                    Length = 10
        var tariffs = await deliveryService.GetTariffsAsync(tariffRequest);

        var deliveryOrderRequest = new DeliveryOrderRequest
            Type = OrderType.RegularDelivery,
            Comment = "Just another test order",
            FromLocation = new()
                Address = "Москва, пр. Ленинградский, д.4",
            ToLocation = new()
                Address = "Москва, ул. Блюхера, 32"
            TariffCode = tariffs.First().Code,
            Packages =
                    Number = "1",
                    Comment = "Test",
                    Weight = 1000,
                    Width = 10,
                    Height = 10,
                    Length = 10,
            Sender = new()
                Company = "Roga",
                Name = "Copyta",
                Email = "[email protected]",
                Phones =
                    new() { Number = "+71111111111" },
            Recipient = new()
                Company = "Ushi",
                Name = "Hvost",
                Email = "[email protected]",
                Phones =
                    new() { Number = "+72222222222" },

        var order = await deliveryService.CreateDeliveryOrderAsync(deliveryOrderRequest);
        Console.WriteLine($"Order created with ID: {order.Uuid} and Number: {order.Number}");

More actual examples you can find in tests here:

Dependency Injection

To integrate Spoleto.Delivery into Microsoft Dependency injection framework, you should utilize the Spoleto.Delivery.Extensions NuGet package. This package provides an extension method for the IServiceCollection interface, which register the DeliveryService as a scoped service.

The extentions for Delivery providers come as pre-configured NuGet packages:

After ensuring that the Spoleto.Delivery.Extensions package with at least one Delivery provider package are installed from NuGet, you can proceed with the registration of Spoleto.Delivery within the Startup.cs or your DI configuration file in the following manner:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    // Other DI registrations...

    // Register Spoleto.Delivery as a scoped service:
        .AddMasterPost("MasterPost_IndividualClientNumber", "MasterPost_ApiKey", "MasterPost_ApiKey", "MasterPost_ServiceUrl")
        .AddCdek("Cdek_CliendId", "Cdek_ClientSecret", "Cdek_ServiceUrl");

    // Continue with the rest of your service configuration...

Injecting the Delivery Service into Your Classes

Once Spoleto.Delivery has been registered with your Dependency Injection framework, you can facilitate the injection of the Delivery service into any class within your application.

Inject the IDeliveryService interface into the constructors of the classes where you want to use Delivery functionality:

public class YourDeliveryClass
    private readonly ILogger<YourDeliveryClass> _logger;
    private readonly IDeliveryService _deliveryService;

    public YourDeliveryClass(ILogger<YourDeliveryClass> logger, IDeliveryService deliveryService)
        _logger = logger;
        _deliveryService = deliveryService;

    public async Task CreateDeliveryOrder(ModelRequest from, ModelRequest to, ModelData data)
        // create a DeliveryOrderRequest
        var deliveryOrderRequest = CreateDeliveryOrderRequest(from, to, data);

        // create the delivery order using the default Delivery provider:
        var order = await _deliveryService.CreateDeliveryOrderAsync(deliveryOrderRequest);

        // create the delivery order using the specified Delivery provider:
        var order1 = await _deliveryService.CreateDeliveryOrderAsync(DeliveryProviderName.Cdek, deliveryOrderRequest);
        var order2 = await _deliveryService.CreateDeliveryOrderAsync(DeliveryProviderName.MasterPost, deliveryOrderRequest);

        // log the result:
        _logger.LogInformation("Order created with ID: {order.Uuid} and Number: {order.Number}", order.Uuid, order.Number);


Spoleto.AddressResolver is a library for parsing textual representations of addresses. It is designed to break down an address into its components, such as city, street, house number, fias, kladr and postal code.

This library is used in the following code:

  1. MasterPost provider to parse textual representations of an address to get a city Fias identifier, if it is not provided.
  2. Cdek provider in the GetDeliveryPoints method for the same reason.


Also the solution provides demo examples of implementation of services for updating delivery order statuses.


Web Api callback service for Cdek webhooks:


Windows service to check delivery order statuses from MasterPost Web service with a specified frequency:


Spoleto.Delivery provides an abstraction layer for Delivery of goods in .NET applications, offering the flexibility to separate your delivery logic from the specific implementation of any underlying service provider. This package supports integration with a variety of Delivery providers, including CDEK, MasterPost.






