Splint Production Server Package and Dependency Manager Added.
Pre-release- Splint Production Server Package and Dependency Manager
The Splint Client creates a 'splint.json' file that contains the list of packages that you install, at the root of your Code-Igniter distribution.
This file will be used by the production server script to install/update your splint libraries when you deploy your codes to a production server.
Just run the 'splint.php' file from a browser. e.g ''https://website.com/splint.php''
Please change the name of the script for security reasons.
- Splint loader object.
The new splint loader object makes it easier to load splint libraries/resources without having to specify the full package name all the time.
$this->load->bind("francis94c/ci-preference", $splint);
$splint->load->library("CIPreferences", null, "prefs", true);
$splint->prefs->set("a_key", "Hello World");
See the Docs at https://splint.cynobit.com/wiki/load_splint for more.
- Splint Auto-Loading
To auto-load splint resources, modify the 'application/autoload.php' file as follows
$autoload["splint"] = array("vendor/package_name" => array("+Library", $params, $alias));
$autoload["splint"] = array("vendor/package_name" => array("*Model", $alias));
$autoload["splint"] = array("vendor/package_name" => array("%helper", $alias));
$autoload["splint"] = array("vendor/package_name" => array("@config"));
$autoload["splint"] = array("vendor/package_name" => array("-view", $data));
Please see https://splint.cynobit.com/wiki/auto_load_splint for more