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Cibernet edited this page Feb 13, 2024 · 5 revisions

/stage is a command that manages stages


  • /stage ...

    • ... add <name> <from> <to>

      Creates a stage

    • ... remove <name>

      Deletes the specified stage

    • ... settings <stage> <setting> [value]

      Changes or gets the settings of a stage

    • ... teams <stage> ...

      • ... get <teamName>

        Returns and displays the ink color of a team in chat

      • ... set <teamName> <teamColor>

        Creates a team or sets a team's color and tags any blocks of that same color inside the stage's bounds as a part of that team

      • ... remove <teamName>

        Deletes a team from the stage and untags blocks of that team inside the stage's bounds

    • ... warp <stage> ...

      Teleports players to a stage evenly

      • ... [<setSpawn>] ...

        Whether a player's respawn point should be set to the spawn pad they teleport to. Defaults to false

        • ... self

          Only Teleport players to spawn pads that match their ink color. Default option

        • ... any

          Teleports players to any spawn pad regardless of the player's ink color

        • ... color <color>

          Teleports players to any spawn pad that matches the ink color of the <color> argument, regardless of the player's ink color

        • ... team <team>

          Teleports players to spawn pads tagged as part of the team specified in <team>, regardless of the player's ink color

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