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OpenProject version for UCS

This repo contains the scripts required to make OpenProject work on the UCS distribution.

We're following the Docker approach, outlined at


First, you need to launch a UCS instance on EC2. At the time of writing (2016/04/27), the latest AMI is ami-08be0c7b. If it no longer exists, search in the Community AMIs for ucs.

Once the instance has launched, you need to ssh into it using the root user, and then follow the instructions displayed in the message of the day (i.e. change the root password, and connect to the UCS web management UI to finish the installation).

After that, you need to make sure you have the necessary packages installed for local development:

ucr set repository/online/unmaintained='yes'
apt-get install -y univention-appcenter-dev univention-appcenter-docker univention-appcenter
univention-app dev-setup-local-appcenter

Finally, you need to setup the OpenProject APT repository that holds the packages you want to release on UCS:

wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -
echo "deb wheezy stable/5" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/openproject-ce.list
sudo apt-get update

Testing the UCS installation locally

Register the app (do it every time you change stuff):

#=> ... Component: openproject_20160427

If you've made changes, re-run the test-local script by specifying the same component than on the first run:

COMPONENT=openproject_20160427 ./bin/test-local

Install the app:

univention-app install openproject

Remove the app:

univention-app remove openproject

Tip: if you want to test a new version of the openproject.inst script without the need to remove and re-register, and re-install the app, you can do it as follows (don't forget to increase VERSION):

cp dist/openproject.join /usr/lib/univention-install/50openproject.inst

Logs are available in /var/log/univention/join.log. Adding a set -x while you're testing your script might be a good idea to see what's going on.

Releasing a new version

Update the .ini file with the proper OpenProject version.

Make sure the VERSION numbers have been incremented if you've made changes to the inst/uinst files.

Use the provided Makefile to generate the required tarball with the right structure as per the documentation at

make all

This will package everything into an openproject.tar.gz file. You can then upload it using the form at



Re-run the joinscript step with a newer version, without uninstalling/re-installing the app:

cp dist/openproject.inst /usr/lib/univention-install/50openproject.inst

Look at logs of join scripts:

cat /var/log/univention/join.log

Testing a package upgrade before releasing to the official app center:

univention-app remove openproject --do-not-backup
ucr set repository/app_center/
univention-app install openproject=5.0.15
univention-app upgrade openproject

Release a new version to the AppCenter with the selfservice app

Build the docker image that will be used to run the commands:

docker build -t finnlabs/ucs .

Add your UCS username and password for the self-service center to a ucs.env file:

echo "USERNAME=crohr" > ucs.env
echo "PASSWORD=p4ssw0rd" >> ucs.env

You can now launch a docker container to play with the release script:

docker run --rm -it --env-file ucs.env -v $(pwd):/workspace finnlabs/ucs bash
VERSION=6.0.4 BRANCH=stable/6 ./bin/publish

The above command will update the Version number in the ini file from the dist/ folder, fetch the packages from the given BRANCH, and zip everything into a openproject.tar.gz file. This file will then be sent to the UCS API to create a new app version from it (untested yet, upload fails).

Note that ideally you should re-download the tarball for the previous version and unpack it into dist/ before releasing a new version. This is because UCS may have made some changes on their side. You could do that with (replace openproject_20160909154556 with the latest component published in the App Center):

./bin/univention-appcenter-selfservice download 4.1 openproject_20160909154556
tar xzf openproject_20160909154556.tar.gz -C dist/

The selfservice UI is available from