I-REX: A Lucene Plugin for EXplainable IR
Generate war file and deploy to your Tomcat or any other web server engine. Make sure to restart the server to see any necessary changes. Create the war file from Eclipse, command line, maven and then place it(i-rex.war) to $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/ (for Tomcat).
author = {Roy, Dwaipayan and Saha, Sourav and Mitra, Mandar and Sen, Bihan and Ganguly, Debasis},
title = {I-REX: A Lucene Plugin for EXplainable IR},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management},
series = {CIKM '19},
year = {2019},
isbn = {978-1-4503-6976-3},
location = {Beijing, China},
pages = {2949--2952},
numpages = {4},
url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/3357384.3357859},
doi = {10.1145/3357384.3357859},
acmid = {3357859},
publisher = {ACM},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
keywords = {debugger, explainable ir},