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A Terraform module which deploys a Snowplow Postgres Loader application on Google running on top of Compute Engine. If you want to use a custom image for this deployment you will need to ensure it is based on top of Ubuntu 20.04.

WARNING: If you are upgrading from module version 0.1.x you will need to issue a manual table update - details can be found here. You will need to adjust the alter table command with the schema that your events table is deployed within.


This module by default collects and forwards telemetry information to Snowplow to understand how our applications are being used. No identifying information about your sub-account or account fingerprints are ever forwarded to us - it is very simple information about what modules and applications are deployed and active.

If you wish to subscribe to our mailing list for updates to these modules or security advisories please set the user_provided_id variable to include a valid email address which we can reach you at.

How do I disable it?

To disable telemetry simply set variable telemetry_enabled = false.

What are you collecting?

For details on what information is collected please see this module:


The Postgres Loader can load both your enriched and bad data into a Postgres database - by default we are using CloudSQL as it affords a simple and cost effective way to get started.

To start loading "enriched" data into Postgres:

module "enriched_topic" {
  source  = "snowplow-devops/pubsub-topic/google"
  version = "0.3.0"

  name = "enriched-topic"

module "pipeline_db" {
  source  = "snowplow-devops/cloud-sql/google"
  version = "0.3.0"

  name = "pipeline-db"

  region      = var.region
  db_name     = local.pipeline_db_name
  db_username = local.pipeline_db_username
  db_password = local.pipeline_db_password

  # Note: this exposes your data to the internet - take care to ensure your allowlist is strict enough
  authorized_networks = local.pipeline_authorized_networks

  # Note: required for higher concurrent connections count which is neccesary for loading both good and bad data at the same time
  tier = "db-g1-small"

module "postgres_loader_enriched" {
  source = "snowplow-devops/postgres-loader-pubsub-ce/google"

  accept_limited_use_license = true

  name = "pg-loader-enriched-server"

  network    =
  subnetwork = var.subnetwork
  region     = var.region
  project_id = var.project_id

  ssh_key_pairs    = []
  ssh_ip_allowlist = [""]

  in_topic_name =
  purpose       = "ENRICHED_EVENTS"
  schema_name   = "atomic"

  # Note: Using the connection_name will enforce the use of a Cloud SQL Proxy rather than a direct connection
  #       To instead use a direct connection you will need to define the `db_host` parameter instead.
  db_instance_name = module.pipeline_db.connection_name
  db_port          = module.pipeline_db.port
  db_name          = local.pipeline_db_name
  db_username      = local.pipeline_db_username
  db_password      = local.pipeline_db_password

  # Linking in the custom Iglu Server here
  custom_iglu_resolvers = [
      name            = "Iglu Server"
      priority        = 0
      uri             = "http://your-iglu-server-endpoint/api"
      api_key         = var.iglu_super_api_key
      vendor_prefixes = []

To load the "bad" data instead:

module "bad_1_topic" {
  source  = "snowplow-devops/pubsub-topic/google"
  version = "0.3.0"

  name = "bad-1-topic"

module "postgres_loader_bad" {
  source = "snowplow-devops/postgres-loader-pubsub-ce/google"

  accept_limited_use_license = true

  name = "pg-loader-bad-server"

  network    =
  subnetwork = var.subnetwork
  region     = var.region
  project_id = var.project_id

  ssh_key_pairs    = []
  ssh_ip_allowlist = [""]

  in_topic_name =

  # Note: The purpose defines what the input data set should look like
  purpose = "JSON"

  # Note: This schema is created automatically by the VM on launch
  schema_name = "atomic_bad"

  # Note: Using the connection_name will enforce the use of a Cloud SQL Proxy rather than a direct connection
  #       To instead use a direct connection you will need to define the `db_host` parameter instead.
  db_instance_name = module.pipeline_db.connection_name
  db_port          = module.pipeline_db.port
  db_name          = local.pipeline_db_name
  db_username      = local.pipeline_db_username
  db_password      = local.pipeline_db_password

  # Linking in the custom Iglu Server here
  custom_iglu_resolvers = [
      name            = "Iglu Server"
      priority        = 0
      uri             = "http://your-iglu-server-endpoint/api"
      api_key         = var.iglu_super_api_key
      vendor_prefixes = []


Name Version
terraform >= 1.0.0
google >= 3.44.0


Name Version
google >= 3.44.0


Name Source Version
service snowplow-devops/service-ce/google 0.1.0
telemetry snowplow-devops/telemetry/snowplow 0.5.0


Name Type
google_compute_firewall.egress resource
google_compute_firewall.ingress_ssh resource
google_project_iam_member.sa_cloud_sql_client resource
google_project_iam_member.sa_logging_log_writer resource
google_project_iam_member.sa_pubsub_publisher resource
google_project_iam_member.sa_pubsub_subscriber resource
google_project_iam_member.sa_pubsub_viewer resource resource resource


Name Description Type Default Required
db_name The name of the database to connect to string n/a yes
db_password The password to use to connect to the database string n/a yes
db_port The port the database is running on number n/a yes
db_username The username to use to connect to the database string n/a yes
in_topic_name The name of the input pubsub topic that the loader will pull data from string n/a yes
name A name which will be pre-pended to the resources created string n/a yes
network The name of the network to deploy within string n/a yes
project_id The project ID in which the stack is being deployed string n/a yes
purpose The type of data the loader will be pulling which can be one of ENRICHED_EVENTS or JSON (Note: JSON can be used for loading bad rows) string n/a yes
region The name of the region to deploy within string n/a yes
schema_name The database schema to load data into (e.g atomic | atomic_bad) string n/a yes
accept_limited_use_license Acceptance of the SLULA terms ( bool false no
app_version App version to use. This variable facilitates dev flow, the modules may not work with anything other than the default value. string "0.3.1" no
associate_public_ip_address Whether to assign a public ip address to this instance; if false this instance must be behind a Cloud NAT to connect to the internet bool true no
custom_iglu_resolvers The custom Iglu Resolvers that will be used by the loader to resolve and validate events
name = string
priority = number
uri = string
api_key = string
vendor_prefixes = list(string)
[] no
db_host The hostname of the database to connect to (Note: if db_instance_name is non-empty this setting is ignored) string "" no
db_instance_name The instance name of the CloudSQL instance to connect to (Note: if set db_host will be ignored and a proxy established instead) string "" no
db_max_connections The maximum number of connections to the backing database number 10 no
default_iglu_resolvers The default Iglu Resolvers that will be used by the loader to resolve and validate events
name = string
priority = number
uri = string
api_key = string
vendor_prefixes = list(string)
"api_key": "",
"name": "Iglu Central",
"priority": 10,
"uri": "",
"vendor_prefixes": []
"api_key": "",
"name": "Iglu Central - Mirror 01",
"priority": 20,
"uri": "",
"vendor_prefixes": []
gcp_logs_enabled Whether application logs should be reported to GCP Logging bool true no
in_max_concurrent_checkpoints The maximum number of concurrent effects for the topic checkpointing system - essentially how many concurrent acks we will make to PubSub number 100 no
java_opts Custom JAVA Options string "-XX:InitialRAMPercentage=75 -XX:MaxRAMPercentage=75" no
labels The labels to append to this resource map(string) {} no
machine_type The machine type to use string "e2-small" no
network_project_id The project ID of the shared VPC in which the stack is being deployed string "" no
ssh_block_project_keys Whether to block project wide SSH keys bool true no
ssh_ip_allowlist The list of CIDR ranges to allow SSH traffic from list(any)
ssh_key_pairs The list of SSH key-pairs to add to the servers
user_name = string
public_key = string
[] no
subnetwork The name of the sub-network to deploy within; if populated will override the 'network' setting string "" no
target_size The number of servers to deploy number 1 no
telemetry_enabled Whether or not to send telemetry information back to Snowplow Analytics Ltd bool true no
ubuntu_20_04_source_image The source image to use which must be based of of Ubuntu 20.04; by default the latest community version is used string "" no
user_provided_id An optional unique identifier to identify the telemetry events emitted by this stack string "" no


Name Description
instance_group_url The full URL of the instance group created by the manager
manager_id Identifier for the instance group manager
manager_self_link The URL for the instance group manager

Copyright and license

Copyright 2021-present Snowplow Analytics Ltd.

Licensed under the Snowplow Limited Use License Agreement. (If you are uncertain how it applies to your use case, check our answers to frequently asked questions.)