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debugging #249

Workflow file for this run

name: continuous-integration
on: [push, pull_request]
# Linux:
# runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
# permissions:
# checks: write
# pull-requests: write
# env:
# ALSOFT_CONF: love2d-${{ github.sha }}/testing/resources/alsoft.conf
# DISPLAY: :99
# steps:
# - name: Update APT
# run: sudo apt-get update
# - name: Install Dependencies
# run: |
# sudo apt-get install --assume-yes build-essential git make cmake autoconf automake \
# libtool pkg-config libasound2-dev libpulse-dev libaudio-dev \
# libjack-dev libx11-dev libxext-dev libxrandr-dev libxcursor-dev \
# libxfixes-dev libxi-dev libxinerama-dev libxxf86vm-dev libxss-dev \
# libgl1-mesa-dev libdbus-1-dev libudev-dev libgles2-mesa-dev \
# libegl1-mesa-dev libibus-1.0-dev fcitx-libs-dev libsamplerate0-dev \
# libsndio-dev libwayland-dev libxkbcommon-dev libdrm-dev libgbm-dev \
# libcurl4-openssl-dev libfuse2 wmctrl openbox mesa-vulkan-drivers \
# libvulkan1 vulkan-tools vulkan-validationlayers
# - name: Checkout love-appimage-source
# uses: actions/checkout@v4
# with:
# repository: love2d/love-appimage-source
# ref: 12.x
# - name: Checkout LÖVE
# uses: actions/checkout@v4
# with:
# path: love2d-${{ github.sha }}
# - name: Get Dependencies for AppImage
# shell: python
# env:
# LOVE_BRANCH: ${{ github.sha }}
# run: |
# import os
# for i in range(250):
# if os.system(f"make getdeps LOVE_BRANCH={os.environ['LOVE_BRANCH']}") == 0:
# raise SystemExit(0)
# raise Exception("make getdeps failed")
# - name: Build AppImage
# run: make LOVE_BRANCH=${{ github.sha }}
# - name: Print LuaJIT branch
# run: git -C LuaJIT-v2.1 branch -v
# # start xvfb for test running
# - name: Start xvfb and openbox
# run: |
# echo "Starting XVFB on $DISPLAY"
# Xvfb $DISPLAY -screen 0, 360x240x24 &
# echo "XVFBPID=$!" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# # wait for xvfb to startup (3s is the same amount xvfb-run waits by default)
# sleep 3
# openbox &
# # linux opengl tests
# - name: Run Test Suite (opengl)
# run: |
# chmod a+x love-${{ github.sha }}.AppImage
# ./love-${{ github.sha }}.AppImage love2d-${{ github.sha }}/testing/main.lua --runAllTests --isRunner
# - name: Love Test Report (opengl)
# id: report1
# uses: ellraiser/love-test-report@main
# with:
# name: Love Testsuite Linux
# title: test-report-linux-opengl
# path: love2d-${{ github.sha }}/testing/output/
# token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
# - name: Zip Test Output (opengl)
# run: |
# 7z a -tzip love2d-${{ github.sha }}/testing/output/
# - name: Artifact Test Output (opengl)
# uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
# with:
# name: test-output-linux-opengl-${{ steps.report1.outputs.conclusion }}
# path:
# # linux opengles tests
# - name: Run Test Suite (opengles)
# run: |
# ./love-${{ github.sha }}.AppImage love2d-${{ github.sha }}/testing/main.lua --runAllTests --isRunner
# - name: Love Test Report (opengles)
# uses: ellraiser/love-test-report@main
# id: report2
# with:
# name: Love Testsuite Linux
# title: test-report-linux-opengles
# path: love2d-${{ github.sha }}/testing/output/
# token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
# - name: Zip Test Output (opengles)
# run: |
# 7z a -tzip love2d-${{ github.sha }}/testing/output/
# - name: Artifact Test Output (opengles)
# uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
# with:
# name: test-output-linux-opengles-${{ steps.report2.outputs.conclusion }}
# path:
# # # linux vulkan tests
# # - name: Run Test Suite (vulkan)
# # run: |
# # ./love-${{ github.sha }}.AppImage love2d-${{ github.sha }}/testing/main.lua --runAllTests --isRunner --renderers vulkan
# # - name: Love Test Report (vulkan)
# # uses: ellraiser/love-test-report@main
# # with:
# # name: Love Testsuite Linux
# # title: test-report-linux-vulkan
# # path: love2d-${{ github.sha }}/testing/output/
# # - name: Zip Test Output (vulkan)
# # run: |
# # 7z a -tzip love2d-${{ github.sha }}/testing/output/
# # - name: Artifact Test Output (vulkan)
# # uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
# # with:
# # name: test-output-linux-vulkan
# # path:
# - name: Stop xvfb and openbox
# # should always stop xvfb and openbox even if other steps failed
# if: always()
# run: |
# kill $XVFBPID
# - name: Artifact
# uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
# with:
# name: love-linux-x86_64.AppImage
# path: love-${{ github.sha }}.AppImage
# - name: Artifact Debug Symbols
# uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
# with:
# name: love-x86_64-AppImage-debug
# path: love-${{ github.sha }}.AppImage-debug.tar.gz
# - name: Check Tests Passing
# if: steps.report1.outputs.conclusion == 'failure' || steps.report2.outputs.conclusion == 'failure'
# run: |
# echo "${{ steps.report1.outputs.failed }} opengl tests failed"
# echo "${{ steps.report2.outputs.failed }} opengles tests failed"
# exit 1
# Windows:
# runs-on: windows-latest
# permissions:
# checks: write
# pull-requests: write
# env:
# ALSOFT_CONF: megasource/libs/love/testing/resources/alsoft.conf
# VK_ICD_FILENAMES: ${{ github.workspace }}\mesa\x64\lvp_icd.x86_64.json
# strategy:
# matrix:
# platform: [Win32, x64, ARM64]
# install: [modern]
# exclude:
# - platform: ARM64
# install: compat
# defaults:
# run:
# shell: cmd
# continue-on-error: ${{ matrix.platform == 'ARM64' }}
# steps:
# - name: Define Variables
# id: vars
# run: |
# rem Compat/Modern switch
# if "${{ matrix.install }}" == "compat" (
# echo compatname=-compat>> "%GITHUB_OUTPUT%"
# ) else (
# echo moredef=>> "%GITHUB_OUTPUT%"
# echo compatname=>> "%GITHUB_OUTPUT%"
# )
# rem JIT Modules
# if "${{ matrix.platform }}-${{ matrix.install }}" == "x64-modern" (
# (echo jitmodules=1)>> "%GITHUB_OUTPUT%"
# ) else (
# (echo jitmodules=0)>> "%GITHUB_OUTPUT%"
# )
# rem Architecture-Specific Switch
# goto ${{ matrix.platform }}
# exit /b 1
# :Win32
# (echo arch=x86)>> "%GITHUB_OUTPUT%"
# (echo angle=0)>> "%GITHUB_OUTPUT%"
# echo nofiles=warn>> "%GITHUB_OUTPUT%"
# exit /b 0
# :x64
# (echo arch=x64)>> "%GITHUB_OUTPUT%"
# (echo angle=0)>> "%GITHUB_OUTPUT%"
# echo nofiles=warn>> "%GITHUB_OUTPUT%"
# exit /b 0
# :ARM64
# (echo arch=arm64)>> "%GITHUB_OUTPUT%"
# (echo angle=1)>> "%GITHUB_OUTPUT%"
# echo nofiles=ignore>> "%GITHUB_OUTPUT%"
# echo moredef=-DLOVE_EXTRA_DLLS=%CD%\angle\libEGL.dll;%CD%\angle\libGLESv2.dll>> "%GITHUB_OUTPUT%"
# exit /b 0
# - name: Download Windows SDK Setup 10.0.20348
# run: curl -Lo winsdksetup.exe
# - name: Install Debugging Tools for Windows
# id: windbg
# run: |
# setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
# start /WAIT %CD%\winsdksetup.exe /features OptionId.WindowsDesktopDebuggers /q /log %CD%\log.txt
# - name: Print Debugging Tools Install Log
# if: always()
# run: |
# type log.txt
# exit /b ${{ steps.windbg.outputs.ERRORLEVEL }}
# - name: Setup Python 3.10
# uses: actions/setup-python@v5
# with:
# python-version: "3.10"
# - name: Download
# run: curl -Lo
# - name: Clone Megasource
# uses: actions/checkout@v4
# with:
# path: megasource
# repository: love2d/megasource
# ref: main
# - id: megasource
# name: Get Megasource Commit SHA
# shell: python
# run: |
# import os
# import subprocess
# result ="git -C megasource rev-parse HEAD".split(), check=True, capture_output=True, encoding="UTF-8")
# commit = result.stdout.split()[0]
# with open(os.environ["GITHUB_OUTPUT"], "w", encoding="UTF-8") as f: f.write(f"commit={commit}")
# - name: Checkout
# uses: actions/checkout@v4
# with:
# path: megasource/libs/love
# - name: Download ANGLE
# uses: robinraju/[email protected]
# if: steps.vars.outputs.angle == '1'
# with:
# repository: MikuAuahDark/angle-winbuild
# tag: cr_5249
# fileName: angle-win-${{ steps.vars.outputs.arch }}.zip
# tarBall: false
# zipBall: false
# out-file-path: angle
# - name: Extract ANGLE
# if: steps.vars.outputs.angle == '1'
# working-directory: angle
# run: 7z x angle-win-${{ steps.vars.outputs.arch }}.zip
# - name: Remove Strawbery Perl From Path
# #
# # In particular, this is not pretty, but even CMAKE_IGNORE_PREFIX_PATH
# # cannot help in this case.
# run: |
# move /y C:\Strawberry C:\Strawberry_not_in_PATH
# exit /b 0
# - name: Configure
# env:
# run: cmake -Bbuild -Smegasource -T v143 -A ${{ matrix.platform }} --install-prefix %CD%\install -DCMAKE_PDB_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY=%CD%\pdb ${{ steps.vars.outputs.moredef }}
# - name: Install
# run: cmake --build build --target PACKAGE --config Release -j2
# - name: Copy LuaJIT lua51.pdb
# run: |
# copy /Y build\libs\LuaJIT\src\lua51.pdb pdb\Release\lua51.pdb
# exit /b 0
# - name: Add srcsrv to PATH
# run: |
# echo C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Debuggers\x64\srcsrv>>%GITHUB_PATH%
# - name: Embed Source Index into PDBs
# run: |
# python ^
# --source %CD%\megasource\libs\love${{ github.repository }}/${{ github.sha }} ^
# --source %CD%\megasource${{ steps.megasource.outputs.commit }} ^
# --source %CD%\build\libs\LuaJIT${{ steps.megasource.outputs.commit }}/libs/LuaJIT ^
# pdb\Release\*.pdb
# - name: Artifact
# uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
# with:
# name: love-windows-${{ steps.vars.outputs.arch }}${{ steps.vars.outputs.compatname }}
# path: |
# build/*.zip
# build/*.exe
# if-no-files-found: ${{ steps.vars.outputs.nofiles }}
# - name: Artifact JIT Modules
# if: steps.vars.outputs.jitmodules == '1'
# uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
# with:
# name: love-windows-jitmodules
# path: build/libs/LuaJIT/src/jit/*.lua
# - name: Artifact PDB
# uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
# with:
# name: love-windows-${{ steps.vars.outputs.arch }}${{ steps.vars.outputs.compatname }}-dbg
# path: pdb/Release/*.pdb
# # install mesa for graphic tests
# - name: Install Mesa
# if: steps.vars.outputs.arch != 'ARM64' && steps.vars.outputs.compatname != '-compat'
# run: |
# curl -L --output mesa.7z --url
# 7z x mesa.7z -o*
# powershell.exe mesa\systemwidedeploy.cmd 1
# # build love to use for the tests
# - name: Build Test Exe
# if: steps.vars.outputs.arch != 'ARM64' && steps.vars.outputs.compatname != '-compat'
# run: cmake --build build --config Release --target install
# # windows opengl tests
# - name: Run Tests (opengl)
# if: steps.vars.outputs.arch != 'ARM64' && steps.vars.outputs.compatname != '-compat'
# run: |
# echo 'check dir'
# ls
# powershell.exe ./install/lovec.exe ./megasource/libs/love/testing/main.lua --runAllTests --isRunner
# - name: Love Test Report (opengl)
# id: report1
# if: steps.vars.outputs.arch != 'ARM64' && steps.vars.outputs.compatname != '-compat'
# uses: ellraiser/love-test-report@main
# with:
# name: Love Testsuite Windows ${{ steps.vars.outputs.arch }} ${{ steps.vars.outputs.compatname }} (opengl)
# title: test-report-windows-${{ steps.vars.outputs.arch }}${{ steps.vars.outputs.compatname }}-opengl
# path: megasource/libs/love/testing/output/
# token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
# - name: Zip Test Output (opengl)
# if: steps.vars.outputs.arch != 'ARM64' && steps.vars.outputs.compatname != '-compat'
# run: |
# 7z a -tzip test-output-windows-${{ steps.vars.outputs.arch }}${{ steps.vars.outputs.compatname }} megasource/libs/love/testing/output/
# - name: Artifact Test Output (opengl)
# if: steps.vars.outputs.arch != 'ARM64' && steps.vars.outputs.compatname != '-compat'
# uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
# with:
# name: test-output-windows-${{ steps.vars.outputs.arch }}-opengl-${{ steps.report1.outputs.conclusion }}
# path: test-output-windows-${{ steps.vars.outputs.arch }}
# # windows opengles tests
# - name: Run Tests (opengles)
# if: steps.vars.outputs.arch != 'ARM64' && steps.vars.outputs.compatname != '-compat'
# run: |
# powershell.exe ./install/lovec.exe ./megasource/libs/love/testing/main.lua --runAllTests --isRunner
# - name: Love Test Report (opengles)
# id: report2
# if: steps.vars.outputs.arch != 'ARM64' && steps.vars.outputs.compatname != '-compat'
# uses: ellraiser/love-test-report@main
# with:
# name: Love Testsuite Windows ${{ steps.vars.outputs.arch }} ${{ steps.vars.outputs.compatname }} (opengles)
# title: test-report-windows-${{ steps.vars.outputs.arch }}${{ steps.vars.outputs.compatname }}-opengles
# path: megasource/libs/love/testing/output/
# token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
# - name: Zip Test Output (opengles)
# if: steps.vars.outputs.arch != 'ARM64' && steps.vars.outputs.compatname != '-compat'
# run: |
# 7z a -tzip test-output-windows-${{ steps.vars.outputs.arch }}${{ steps.vars.outputs.compatname }} megasource/libs/love/testing/output/
# - name: Artifact Test Output (opengles)
# if: steps.vars.outputs.arch != 'ARM64' && steps.vars.outputs.compatname != '-compat'
# uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
# with:
# name: test-output-windows-${{ steps.vars.outputs.arch }}-opengles-${{ steps.report2.outputs.conclusion }}
# path: test-output-windows-${{ steps.vars.outputs.arch }}
# - name: Check Tests Passing
# if: steps.report1.outputs.conclusion == 'failure' || steps.report2.outputs.conclusion == 'failure'
# run: |
# echo "${{ steps.report1.outputs.failed }} opengl tests failed"
# echo "${{ steps.report2.outputs.failed }} opengles tests failed"
# exit 1
# # # install vulkan
# # - name: Install Vulkan
# # if: steps.vars.outputs.arch != 'ARM64'
# # run: |
# # curl -L --show-error --output VulkanSDK.exe
# # ./VulkanSDK.exe --root C:/VulkanSDK/ --accept-licenses --default-answer --confirm-command install com.lunarg.vulkan.core com.lunarg.vulkan.vma
# # curl -L --show-error --output
# # 7z e -o"C:/VulkanSDK/" */x64
# # copy "C:/VulkanSDK/" "mesa/x64"
# # copy "C:/VulkanSDK/" "C:/Windows/System32"
# # copy "C:/VulkanSDK/" "love-12.0-win64/love-12.0-win64"
# # reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Khronos\Vulkan\Drivers /v "${{ github.workspace }}\mesa\x64\lvp_icd.x86_64.json" /t REG_DWORD /d 0
# # powershell.exe C:/VulkanSDK/ --summary
# # # windows vulkan tests
# # - name: Run Tests (vulkan)
# # if: steps.vars.outputs.arch != 'ARM64'
# # run: |
# # powershell.exe ./install/lovec.exe ./megasource/libs/love/testing/main.lua --runAllTests --isRunner --renderers vulkan
# # - name: Love Test Report (vulkan)
# # if: steps.vars.outputs.arch != 'ARM64'
# # uses: ellraiser/love-test-report@main
# # with:
# # name: Love Testsuite Windows ${{ steps.vars.outputs.arch }} ${{ steps.vars.outputs.compatname }} (vulkan)
# # title: test-report-windows-${{ steps.vars.outputs.arch }}${{ steps.vars.outputs.compatname }}-vulkan
# # path: megasource/libs/love/testing/output/
# # - name: Zip Test Output (vulkan)
# # if: steps.vars.outputs.arch != 'ARM64'
# # run: |
# # 7z a -tzip test-output-windows-${{ steps.vars.outputs.arch }}${{ steps.vars.outputs.compatname }} megasource/libs/love/testing/output/
# # - name: Artifact Test Output (vulkan)
# # if: steps.vars.outputs.arch != 'ARM64'
# # uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
# # with:
# # name: test-output-windows-${{ steps.vars.outputs.arch }}${{ steps.vars.outputs.compatname }}-vulkan
# # path: test-output-windows-${{ steps.vars.outputs.arch }}${{ steps.vars.outputs.compatname }}
runs-on: macos-latest
checks: write
pull-requests: write
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Clone Dependencies
uses: actions/checkout@v4
path: apple-dependencies
repository: love2d/love-apple-dependencies
ref: 12.x
- name: Move Dependencies
mv apple-dependencies/macOS/Frameworks platform/xcode/macosx
- name: Build
xcodebuild clean archive -project platform/xcode/love.xcodeproj -scheme love-macosx -configuration Release -archivePath love-macos.xcarchive
- name: Export Archive
xcodebuild -exportArchive -archivePath love-macos.xcarchive -exportPath love-macos -exportOptionsPlist platform/xcode/macosx/macos-copy-app.plist
- name: Zip Archive
ditto -c -k --sequesterRsrc --keepParent love-macos/
- name: Artifact
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: love-macos
# macos opengl tests (metal not supported on runners)
- name: Run Test Suite
run: |
love-macos/ --version
- name: Love Test Report
id: report1
uses: ellraiser/love-test-report@main
name: Love Testsuite MacOS
title: test-report-macos
path: testing/output/
token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
- name: Zip Test Output
run: |
7z a -tzip ./testing/output/
- name: Artifact Test Output
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: test-output-macos-opengl-${{ steps.report1.outputs.conclusion }}
- name: Check Tests Passing
if: steps.report1.outputs.conclusion == 'failure'
run: |
echo "${{ steps.report1.outputs.failed }} opengl tests failed"
exit 1
# iOS-Simulator:
# runs-on: macos-latest
# steps:
# - name: Checkout
# uses: actions/checkout@v4
# - name: Clone Dependencies
# uses: actions/checkout@v4
# with:
# path: apple-dependencies
# repository: love2d/love-apple-dependencies
# ref: 12.x
# - name: Move Dependencies
# run: |
# mv apple-dependencies/iOS/libraries platform/xcode/ios
# - name: Build
# run:
# xcodebuild -project platform/xcode/love.xcodeproj -scheme love-ios -configuration Release -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 11'