- Winglang: https://www.winglang.io/
- Winglang Playground: https://www.winglang.io/play/
- Winglang Repository: https://github.com/winglang/wing
Frameworks mentioned:
- https://www.terraform.io/
- https://aws.amazon.com/cdk/
- https://www.pulumi.com/
- https://sst.dev/
- https://www.eventual.ai/
- https://nitric.io/
You can find the slides at slides.pptx.
The source code is main.w
Run the following command to run it:
pnpm install
pnpm wing it main.w
Use the following command to compile it:
pnpm wing compile -t tf-aws main.w
Introducing Winglang - a new open-source programming language designed for the cloud
Welcome to Winglang, the new open-source programming language crafted for the cloud! This talk will introduce you to Winglang's unique features that simplify cloud-native development with intuitive syntax, seamless cloud service integration, and powerful cloud abstractions. Designed for modern developers, Winglang addresses common cloud development challenges with elegant solutions, including automatic least-privilege permission policy generation, and the concept of inflight code.
Join us for a live demonstration showcasing how Winglang can enhance your cloud development workflow. Whether you're an experienced cloud developer or a beginner, this talk will provide the insights and inspiration needed to leverage Winglang for your next project, making cloud programming more fun, productive, and scalable.