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Virtual Zookeeper-Kafka-Storm cluster environment

Cluster specs

  • System: 6x Ubuntu 14.04 server
  • Memory: 1024 MB each host
  • IP address:

You can easily customize the cluster parameters in the following files:

  • Vagrantfile contains parameters for the system, memory, IP addresses and hostnames

Note regarding the cluster size: It is recommended to run the cluster on an odd number of hosts (3, 5, etc). Zookeeper is designed to survive failure of minority of hosts. Zookeeper running on 3 or 4 hosts can survive failure of 1 host while Zookeper running on 5 hosts can survive failure of 2 hosts.

1. Install Vagrant, VirtualBox and Ansible on your machine

  1. Install VirtualBox
  2. Install Vagrant
  3. Install Ansible
  4. Clone this repository
  5. Enter cloned repository
  6. Execute vagrant provision && vagrant up


This script creates a virtual 3-node Apache ZooKeeper cluster on your local machine using Vagrant, VirtualBox and Ansible.

The Zookeeper service will run in a truly replicated mode over several machines, so you can experiment with host failures, client connections, misc cluster configurations, etc.

Also, if you want to create a virtual cluster for other services built on top of Zookeeper (e.g. Apache Kafka, HBase, Solr, Neo4j), this script might help as a starting point.

Note: This is a proof of concept and test installation only. Do ot use in production.


  • IP address: -
  • Hostnames: zookeeper-node-[x] with x have values 1, 2 or 3
  • Zookeeper version: 3.4.11
  • JVM: Oracle Java-8


Execute vagrant provision && vagrant up

Shotdown and restart


  • vagrant halt

you stop the cluster and can restart the cluster with

  • vagrant reload

Test if the Zookeeper is running

Each VM should now have the Zookeeper running on port 2181. Test that the service is running in non-error state by:

echo ruok | nc 2181

The server should respond with imok.

If interested, checkout the list of all our-letter commands supported by the Zookeeper service

First steps with distributed Zookeeper

The easiest way to experiment with Zookeeper is to log into one of the machines and play with the command-line tool shipped with the Zookeeper:

1. Log into one of the host machines, e.g. zookeeper-node-1

vagrant ssh zookeeper-node-1

2. Connect to Zookeeper running on localhost with the command-line tool

vagrant@zookeeper-node-1:~$ cd /opt/zookeeper-3.4.11/bin/
vagrant@zookeeper-node-1:/opt/zookeeper-3.4.11/bin$ ./ -server localhost:2181

3. Create a test znode in the Zookeeper console

[zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 3] create /zk_test my_data
Created /zk_test

4. Exit the console and connect to Zookeeper running on zookeeper-node-1 (which runs on

vagrant@zookeeper-node-2:/opt/zookeeper-3.4.11/bin$ ./ -server

5. Check if the znode zk_test is seen on zookeeper-node-1

[zk: 0] ls /
[zookeeper, zk_test]
[zk: 1] get /zk_test

Shotdown and restart

Stop the cluster with

  • vagrant halt

Restart the cluster with

  • vagrant reload

Restart ZooKeeper

Note: After restart you must also start the ZooKeeper server manual. Automatic restart is yet not configured. I'll implement this in a further version.

Steps to restart Zookepper:

  1. Login to node 1: vagrant ssh zookeeper-node-1
  2. Start ZooKeeper: sudo service zookeeper start
  3. Quit node-1: exit

Repeat with node-2.

Apache Kafka

Creates a 1 node environment for Apache Kafka

Note: This is a proof of concept and test installation only. Do ot use in production.


  • IP address:,
  • Hostnames: kafka-node-1
  • Kafka version: 1.0.0
  • JVM: Oracle Java-8


Execute vagrant provision && vagrant up

Shotdown and restart


  • vagrant halt

you stop the cluster and can restart the cluster with

  • vagrant reload

Test setup

  1. Connect to Kafka service with: vagrant ssh kafka-node-1
  2. Change to Kafka bin directory: `cd /opt/kafka_2.11-1.0.0/bin
  3. List existing topics: ./ --list --zookeeper
  4. Create new topic: ./ --create --topic web2kafka --zookeeper --partitions 1 --replication-factor 1
    Output: Created topic "firsttopic".
  5. Show created topic: ./ --list --zookeeper
    Output: web2kafka

List all entries in a topic:

  1. ./ --zookeeper --topic web2kafka --from-beginning

Apache Storm

Creates 2 Storm instances. One Nimbus with UI and one supervisor node.


  • IP address: -> Nimbus
  • IP address: -> Supervisor
  • IP address: -> UI
  • Hostnames: storm-nimbus-node-1
  • Hostnames: storm-supervisor-node-1
  • Hostnames: storm-ui-node-1
  • Zookeeper version: 3.4.11
  • JVM: Oracle Java-8


At this time of contribution, there is no autostart for the Storm services. Start the services with the following steps

  1. Login to Nimbus with vagrant ssh storm-nimbus-node-1
  2. Get root user with su. Password: vagrant
  3. Change to director /opt/apache-storm-1.1.1/bin
  4. Execute ./storm nimbus &
  5. Exit host

Repeat with storm-supervisor-node-1

Instead of executing ./storm nimbus & execute ./storm supervisor &

Run UI on the Nimbus node by executing ./storm ui &

Storm Topology

Find a Storm topology to read from Kafka (topic: web2kafka) under client/storm. Build the project with mvn package and deploy the artifact on nimbus with ./storm jar /PATHTOJAR/kafka2storm.jar de.speexx.experimental.storm.Topology.


Simple setup to play with Apache Kafka and Apache Storm







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