Updated to Coach Core 7.0.0. This will probably change your Coach score. The new Coach has the following changes:
- Moved AMP advice to best practice instead of privacy #67.
- Increased favicon max size advice from 5 to 10 kb #68
- Renamed the fastRender advice to avoidRenderBlocking #73
- Remove the third party async advice #74
- Updated the layout shift advice to use cumulative layout shift #75
- Changed id of the Google Tag Manager advice #79
- Updated third-party-web to 0.12.6.
- Use Chrome(ium) render blocking information to know if a request is render blocking or not #66.
- Report offending JavaScript assets if the JavaScript max limits kicks in #70.
- New largest contentful paint advice #76.
- New first contentful paint advice #77.
- Added TBT in the CPU longtask advice #80.
- Report content and transfer size for offending URLs #81.
- Report offending assets with transfer/content size for page size limit #82.
- Fix cases when JQuery is undefined. Thank you shubham jajodia for PR #64.
- A better way to find offending layout shifters. Thank you shubham jajodia for PR #65.
- Removed mentions aboout server push #69
- Added more information on how to debug CPU advice #71.
Updated to sustainable plugin core code to co2 0.8.0. This include a biug fix to the 1byte model that will lower your co2 score #3519.
- Updated to Browsertime 14.12.0 that fixes the FF 94 HAR issue.
- Updated green domains from the Green Web Foundation #3513.
- Updated PerfCascade that support chunks when you use Chrome(ium) #3514.
- Updated to Firefox 94 in the Docker image.
- Added missing summary boxes on start page #3515.