summary | contents | usage | running the notebooks | issues | citation | license
This notebook simulates a frequency domain EM experiment in which we have a current-dipole inside of a resistive casing. We plot the fields and fluxes and compute electric field-data on the surface and in a borehole.
There is one notebooks in this repository:
You can run these notebooks online through mybinder by clicking on the badge below:
To run the notebooks locally, you will need to have python installed, preferably through anaconda. Please download Python 3.7 or greater.
Once you have downloaded and installed anaconda, you can then clone this repository. From a command line (if you are on windows, please use the anaconda terminal that came with the installation) run
git clone
Then cd
into the lbnl-2019-resistive-casing
cd lbnl-2019-resistive-casing
To setup your software environment, we recommend you use the provided conda environment
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate lbnl-resistive-casing
You can then launch Jupyter
jupyter notebook
Jupyter will then launch in your web-browser.
Each cell of code can be run with shift + enter
or you can run the entire notebook by selecting cell
, Run All
in the toolbar.
For more information on running Jupyter notebooks, see the Jupyter Documentation
If you are new to Python, I highly recommend taking a look at:
Please make an issue if you encounter any problems while trying to run the notebooks.
If you build upon or use these examples in your work, please cite:
Heagy, L. J., & Oldenburg, D. W. (2018). Modeling electromagnetics on cylindrical meshes with applications to steel-cased wells. Computers & geosciences.
author = {Heagy, Lindsey J. and Oldenburg, Douglas W.},
doi = {10.1016/j.cageo.2018.11.010},
issn = {00983004},
journal = {Computers {\&} Geosciences},
month = {nov},
title = {{Modeling electromagnetics on cylindrical meshes with applications to steel-cased wells}},
url = {},
year = {2018}
The paper is also available on the ArXiv: 1804.07991.
These notebooks are licensed under the BSD 3 which allows academic and commercial re-use and adaptation of this work.