unconditional-mpc is an MPC framework.
It contains a compiler, written in Python, for translating programs in a simple imperative language into a list of instructions.
It contains a runtime, written in Golang, which allows several parties to run the protocol specified by such a list of instructions.
First install Python and Go, and clone repository.
To run the compiler, the package 'ply' must be installed. First install pip, if not done already. Then run the following:
python -m pip install ply
To compile a program, the general command is:
python compile_script.py input_path -o output_path
To test that this works, try running the following:
python compile_script.py example_programs/input.txt -o instructions.txt
This should result in the following appearing in instructions.txt:
PLUS a b sum
OUTPUT sum output
For each party that provides an input to the protocol, the input must be stored in a file of the format:
a = 42
The runtime can be executed from the src
directory using the command:
go run main.go program_path input_path_prefix config_path
Where program_path
is the path to the instructions generated by the compiler, input_path_prefix
is a prefix of the path to the file storing a node's input using the convention that each node's input file has the index of the node appended to it.
is an optional path to a file specifying the parameters of the secret sharing scheme, i.e. the number of participants, the threshold and the prime defining the field. They are specified in the format:
p 4001
n 11
t 5
Not providing any arguments to the runtime will run a test specified in main.go
equivalent of providing the arguments:
go run main.go player/tests/compiled/prog player/tests/compiled/input player/tests/compiled/config
For a specification of the source language used for writing programs to the compiler, please see the project report pdf.