This project is just an empty Laravel application with Dusk installed.
WHen you run php artisan dusk
it will run two tests, one if you've set your account details in the environment file and the other one will run if you haven't.
What is the purpose
I recently moved into a new apartment and the internet is very inconsistent and I wanted a way to monitor the speeds. I also used this to justify having a play with Dusk.
Download/clone this repo and install the dependencies through composer
composer install
Add the following to your environment file
If these are added the logged in test will run and that way you can track your results.
I've stuck with an sqlite database for recording the results, but you can use whatever you want.
Once you've decided, run the migrations:
php artisan migrate
This will create a table that the tests insert their results to.
To run the tests it's pretty, use just the following:
php artisan dusk
I've removed the default User object as well the migrations that come out of the box.