summary-more is a tool that search for all *.md files in your project and list them in the file. What summary-more specifically does is to search in the folder (current or provided one) all the *.md files and list their links one by one inside a provided section of the file. This is a fast and automatic way to quickly link all the documents inside of a project in the main and it is pretty useful for massive or big documented projects.
The outcome of this application is visible in the example
- node 10.12+
- npm 6.0+
summary-more can be installed as a global tool:
$ npm install -g summary-more
$ yarn global add summary-more
or as a devDependency:
$ npm install -D summary-more
$ yarn add --dev summary-more
$ summary-more --help
Usage: summary-more [options] <option>
-v, --version output the version number
-s, --docsSection [docsSection] * section title where documentation will be listed in
-b, --baseFolder [baseFolder] base folder where is located
-d, --docsFolder [docsFolder] subfolder of the basefolder where documentation is located
-l, --headingLevel [headingLevel] heading level of the section title within
-h, --help output usage information
* Mandatory
$ summary-more -s 'documentation'
$ summary-more -d 'docs' -s 'Summary'
$ summary-more -b 'manual' -d 'docs' -s 'Summary'
$ summary-more -b 'manual' -d 'docs' -s 'Summary' -l 2