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CPwithCPP - SelfCheatSheet By Shankar Lohar

Competative Programming = (Maths) + (Theoretical knowledge of algorithm design) + (Implementation with a good programming skill).

Constrains I know

Data Type Bits Value Range or
int 32 -2x10^9 ... 2x10^9 -2x10^31 ... 2x10^31 - 1
long long (suffix ll) 64 -9x10^18 ... 9x10^18 -2x10^63 ... 2x10^63 - 1
double 64 -9x10^18 ... 9x10^18 -2x10^63 ... 2x10^63 - 1
long double 80 Accurate for absolute value > 2^53 -2x10^79 ... 2x10^79 - 1
__int128_t (g++) 128 -10^38 ... 10^38 -2x10^127 ... 2x10^127 - 1

Time Complexity - Order of magnitude I know


Input size Required time complexity : assuming a time limit of [1 second]
n <= 10 O(n!)
n <= 20 O(2^n)
n <= 500 O(n^3)
n <= 5000 O(n^2)
n <= 10^6 O(nlogn) or O(n)
n is large O(1) or O(logn)
Complexity Classes Relation with input (n)
O(1) The running time of a constant-time algorithm does not depend on the input size.
O(logn) A logarithmic algorithm often halves the input size at each step.[Divided by the base]
O(sqrt(n)) A square root algorithm is slower than O(logn) but faster than O(n).
O(n) This is often the best possible time complexity, because it is usually necessary to access each input element at least once before reporting the answer.
O(nlogn) This time complexity often indicates that the algorithm sorts the input. Another possibility is that the algorithm uses a data structure where each operation takes O(logn) time.
O(n^2) A quadratic algorithm often contains two nested loops.
O(n^3) A cubic algorithm often contains three nested loops.
O(2^n) This time complexity often indicates that the algorithm iterates through all subsets of the input elements.
O(n!) This time complexity often indicates that the algorithm iterates through all permutations of the input elements.

Data Structures I know

  • vector - Uses general arrays
  • string - Is a vector
  • set - Uses balanced binary tree [O(logn)]
  • unordered_set - Uses hashing [O(1)]
  • multiset - Allows multiple values in set, binary tree
  • unordered_multiset - Allows multiple values, hashing
  • indexed_set - POLICY BASED data structure, set with indexes [O(logn) Not present in STL]
  • map - Uses balanced binary tree [O(logn)]
  • unordered_map - Uses hashing [O(1)]
  • bitset - Array of bits, require less memory
  • stack - Can access only top element[O(1)]
  • queue - Can add at last an remove from front[O(1)]
  • deque - Vector with both fron and back push-pop, slower than vector
  • priority_queue - min and max heap [insertion and removal takes O(logn) retrival take O(1)]

Algorithms I know

Graph Algorithms

STL and GCC Specific Features I know

  • C++ standard library functions based on binary search and work in logarithmic time:

The functions assume that the array is sorted.

  • lower_bound(startpointer,endpointer,value) returns a pointer to the first array element whose value is at least x.
  • upper_bound(startpointer,endpointer,value) returns a pointer to the first array element whose value is larger than x.
  • equal_range(startpointer,endpointer,value) returns both above pointers.
  • The g++ compiler provides the following functions for counting bits:

The above functions only support int numbers, there are also long long versions of the functions available with the suffix ll.

• __builtin_clz(x): the number of zeros at the beginning of the number
• __builtin_ctz(x): the number of zeros at the end of the number
• __builtin_popcount(x): the number of ones in the number
• __builtin_parity(x): the parity (even or odd) of the number of ones

Mathematics I know

  • Modular Arithmetic
  • Sum Formulas - Series : Faulhaber’s formula, AP, GP and Harmonic
  • Set Theory
  • Logic
  • Functions
  • Factorials
  • Fibbonacci Numbers : Binet's Formula
  • Logarithms


  • Brute force: Getting Subsets and Permutations
  • Backtracking and Pruning
  • Meet in the middle search
  • Greedy Algorithms
  • Dynamic Programming
  • Minimum/Maximum query: Sparse Table method
  • Sum queries: Prefix Sum Algorithm, Difference array - Binary indexed tree: Fenwick tree
  • Segment tree : Sum,Minimun,Maximum - Index compression


  • Basics of a Graph and Tree : Keywords and Terms
  • Representation : Adjacency list, Matrix, Edge list
  • Traversal : Deapth-first Search - bipertiteness-cycles-connectivity check, Breadth-first Search [O(n+e)] | Preorder,Postorder,Inorder
  • Directed Graph : Topological sort


Interesting facts I know

  • A property of logarithms is that the number of digits of an integer x in base b is [logb(x) + 1]
  • A useful property of logarithms is that logk(x) equals the number of times we have to divide x by k before we reach the number 1
  • The newline "\n" in c++ works faster than endl, because endl always causes a flush operation
  • A time complexity is only an estimate of efficiency, because it hides the constant factors.
  • NP-hard problems are an important set of problems, for which no polynomial algorithm is known
  • A useful concept when analyzing sorting algorithms is an inversion: a pair of array elements (array[a],array[b]) such that a < b and array[a] > array[b], i.e., the elements are in the wrong order.
  • Counting sort is a very efficient algorithm but it can only be used when the constant c is small enough, so that the array elements can be used as indices in the bookkeeping array.
  • An important use for binary search is to find the position where the value of a function changes
  • An iterator is a variable that points to an element in a data structure.
  • If the value of a key is requested but the map does not contain it, the key is automatically added to the map with a default value.
  • Heap structure is much simpler than a balanced binary tree.
  • Bit representation of 25 is 11001, which corresponds to the subset {0,3,4}
  • Using the and operation, we can check if a number x is even because x & 1 = 0 if x is even, and x & 1 = 1 if x is odd. More generally, x is divisible by 2^k exactly when x & (2^k-1) = 0.
  • Note that x << k corresponds to multiplying x by 2^k, and x >> k corresponds to dividing x by 2^k rounded down to an integer.
  • A number of the form 1 << k has a one bit in position k and all other bits are zero, so we can use such numbers to access single bits of numbers. In particular, the kth bit of a number is one exactly when x & (1 << k) is not zero.
  • The formula x | (1 << k) sets the kth bit of x to one, the formula x & ~(1 << k) sets the kth bit of x to zero, and the formula x ^ (1 << k) inverts the kth bit of x.
  • The formula x & (x-1) sets the last one bit of x to zero, and the formula x &-x sets all the one bits to zero, except for the last one bit. The formula x | (x-1) inverts all the bits after the last one bit.
  • A positive number x is a power of two exactly when x & (x-1) = 0.
  • It is difficult to find out if the nodes in a graph can be colored using k colors so that no adjacent nodes have the same color. Even when k = 3, no efficient algorithm is known but the problem is NP-hard



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