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Shadi Akiki edited this page Jul 6, 2018 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the wiki! is a web application that allows a user to

  • enter a single or multiple register number/place pairs for companies registered in Lebanon,
  • fetch the results from (website version as of 2018-07-06)
  • show the results in different formats

How to use

For single entry, just type in the register number and place in the text boxes.

Depending on how you want to see the results, choose from the format dropdown:

  • in-page table: to see the results in your browser directly. This will be 2 tables, one labeled input and the other output
  • xlsx file: to download a spreadsheet (for excel, numbers, libreoffice)
  • zip of raw html: to download a zip file with the raw html pages of each company
  • json: for debugging by a developer

For multiple entries, upload your spreadsheet with the Upload xlsx file button, and then choose the format dropdown as above.

A sample spreadsheet is available next to the Upload xlsx file button.

Results can be shared simply by sharing the URL, e.g. the following link is the result for register number=66942 and register place = Mount Lebanon


Sometimes a number that is input is invalid, or the register place is wrong.

To identify these cases, choose in-page table from the format dropdown. The resultant input table has a status column. Possible values for status are:

  • "for 66942 got 21 aliens": there were 21 signatories/proxyholders/etc found for register number 66942
  • "for 66942 got 0 aliens": no signatories/proxyholders/etc were found
  • "multiple entries found": the program searched for the register number/place provided, but it could not narrow down the results to a single entry.
    • This happens when a register number/place is shared by multiple companies
  • "multiple entries found after multi-page": same as "multiple entries found", but for the case where the search results span multiple pages (with around 20 results per page)
  • "entry not found": the search using register number/place did not return any results.
  • "entry not found after multi-page": like "entry not found" but for the case where the search results span multiple pages (with around 20 results per page)

To fix a case of "no result" or "multiple results",

  • perform the search manually at
  • scroll down in the results to the specific company you're looking for
  • make sure that the register place provided matches with what is typed in the search results
    • a common error is to see "جبل لبنان" in the search results, but have "Mount Lebanon" in the provided text
      • use the exact arabic text
      • some areas will be automatically translated from latin characters to arabic characters
    'mount lebanon': 'ﺞﺒﻟ ﻞﺒﻧﺎﻧ',
    'south lebanon': 'ﺎﻠﺠﻧﻮﺑ',
    'saida': 'ﺎﻠﺠﻧﻮﺑ',
    'beirut': 'ﺐﻳﺭﻮﺗ',
  - if it is the exact wording, then paste a longer section from the register place line in the search results
    - e.g. `جبل لبنان (ج) - الشكل التجاري: ش.م.ل، تاريخ التسجيل: 12/28/1999 12:00:00 AM`
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