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#Self-Tuning Kernel Density Estimators

This repository contains a modified version of Postgres (9.3.1) that uses self-optimizing Kernel Density Estimators to compute the selectivity of multidimensional range queries on real-valued attributes. The estimator relies on query feedback to fine-tune the model.

Further information about the estimator model (as well as a detailed evaluation) can be found in our SIGMOD 2015 paper Self-Tuning, GPU-Accelerated Kernel Density Models for Multidimensional Selectivity Estimation.

The estimator uses OpenCL to provide a parallel implementation that allows accelerated computations on both multi-core CPUs and graphics cards.


In order to activate this feature, you will need two things:

  1. An OpenCL-compatible device (e.g. a graphics card or any reasonably modern CPU) and a respective driver SDK. Here are some pointers where you can find one for your device:

  2. The NLOpt library (

Configuration & Installation.

You need to ./configure Postgres with the new --with-opencl flag. This enables the compilation of all code that depends on OpenCL.

In order to specify the location of your OpenCL SDK, you can use the --with-opencl_dir=/PATH/TO/SKD/ROOT flag.

After configuration has finished, build with make && make install.

You can modify whether the estimator uses single- or double-precision floating point numbers by changing the definiton kde_float_t in src/backend/optimizer/path/gpukde/ocl_utilities.h:30

Using the estimator

The estimator is controlled via Postgres configuration variables. You can set the variables from the SQL prompt via:

SET <variable> TO <value>;

All variables are valid for the current session only.

General parameters

  • ocl_use_gpu (boolean, default: true)

Controls whether the GPU (true) or CPU (false) is used for the KDE estimator.

  • kde_debug (boolean, default: false)

If enabled, additional debug information are written to stdout.

  • kde_estimation_quality_logfile (string)

If set, the estimation errors for all KDE estimates are logged to this file.

  • kde_sample_maintenance(default: CAR)

Specifies the algorithm to maintain the sample under changes.

Possible values:

CAR (Correlated Acceptance/Rejection): Correlated Acceptance/Rejection

TKR (Triggered Karma Replacement): Resample tuples exceeding a specified Karma threshold

PKR (Periodic Karma Replacement): Resample the tuple with the worst Karma periodically

PRR (Periodic Random Replacement): Resample a random sample point periodically

None: No sample maintenance at all

KDE-model specific paramters

  • kde_enable (boolean, default: false)

Controls whether the KDE-estimator is enabled or not.

  • kde_samplesize (integer, default: 4300)

Controls the model size (in rows) that is used for a KDE estimator.

Generic optimization parameters

  • kde_error_metric (default: RELATIVE)

Specifies which error metric is optimized by the estimator. Possible values are: ABSOLUTE, RELATIVE, QUADRATIC, SQUARED_Q, SQUARED_RELATIVE

  • kde_bandwidth_representation (default: Plain)

Controls whether the bandwidth is storend and optimized in plain or logarithmized representation. Possible values are: Plain, Log

Parameters specific to bandwidth optimization

  • kde_collect_feedback (boolean, default: false)

Controls whether query feedback is collected. All query feedback is written to the system table pg_kdefeedback. By deleting this table, you can erase collected feedback.

  • kde_enable_bandwidth_optimization (boolean, default: false)

Controls whether the bandwidth should be optimized during model construction based on collected queries.

  • kde_optimization_feedback_window (integer, default: -1)

Controls how many of the most recent queries are used for the bandwidth optimization. If set to -1, all queries wil be used.

Parameters specific to adaptive bandwidth optimization

  • kde_enable_adaptive_bandwidth (boolean, default: false)

Controls wheter the bandwidth should be optimzed adaptively based on incoming queries.

  • kde_minibatch_size (integer, default: 5)

Controls how large (in queries) the mini-batches are that are used in the adaptive bandwidth optimization.

Parameters specific to Karma-based sample maintenance algorithms

  • kde_sample_maintenance_karma_limit (float, default: 4.0)

Controls the upper bound on the Karma a tuple in the sample can aggregate.

  • kde_sample_maintenance_karma_threshold (float, default: -2.0)

Controls the lower bound on the Karma of tuples in the sample triggering resampling (TKR only).

Parameters specific to periodic sample maintenance algorithms

  • kde_sample_maintenance_period (integer, default: 1)

Controls the number of queries considered a period.

Building the estimator

In order to build a KDE-based estimator, you have to set the coresponding configuration variables and then issue:

ANALYZE table(col1, col2, ..., cold);

The estimator will then be automatically applied to all matching queries.

Dropping an existing estimator can be accomplished by deleting the corresponding row from the system table pg_kdemodels.

Code location

The majority of the code resides in the following two folders:

  • src/backend/kde_feedback Contains the feedback collection framework.
  • src/backend/optimizer/path/gpukde Contains the code for the estimator.

We also added the scripts for our experiments in the folder analysis.